5. Who has entered into the hideout?

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Chapter 5: Who has entered into the hideout?

The Robins were in the kitchen of the Wayne Manor this time. Like the library, it was an exact replica of the one in the real world except for the five doors.

"I would like to call a meeting." Damian and Dick looked up from their board game at the second Robin's statement.

"You want to call a meeting?" Dick questioned in disbelief. "I thought that you said that meetings were a waste of time."

"If he is conducting the meeting," Damian commented, "then it is a waste of time."

"Come on." Dick faced Damian. "Let's give him a chance. If he is calling for a meeting, then it must be important."

Damian snorted. "I doubt it."

"Well, it is." Jason said, hating that they saw him as an irresponsible person. He was, but he could be serious when he needed to be.

"The reason why we are having this meeting in the first place is because of you." Jason explained.

"Me? What did I do?" Damian said, shocked. Out of all the Robins, he was the least likely to make a mistake or cause problems. He was a perfectionist even if others didn't realize it.

"First, you almost forced us to eat vegan food the whole time that we are here. That stuff is nasty."

"Seriously?" Dick looked at Damian with dismay. He knew that he was the only one who liked vegan food.

"What? It was a choice between Cyborg's sandwich and Changeling's one. Of course, I would have chosen Changeling's."

"Are we talking about Cyborg's Deluxe Sandwich?"

"It was the Deluxe Sandwich," answered Jason for Damian. Dick groaned.

"What was I supposed to do?" Damian voice rose with the question.

"Not eat," the others answered.

Damian leaned back in his chair and pouted. "Whatever."

"It gets worst." Jason told Dick. "Do you want me to inform Dick of your unruly behavior at the meeting, or will you be a big boy and do it yourself?" He asked the youngest Robin.

"It's in the Robin Log. He can read it when it is his turn to take control." Damian mumbled. "Besides, I didn't do anything wrong. They were being incompetent."

Dick didn't need to read the log to know that Damian had probably gave the team a tough time during the meeting. He had a habit of doing it at their work place in Blüdhaven.

"No wonder why Raven called you insufferable." Both Dick and Damian perked up at the mention of Raven.

"She did not." Damian said, sitting up straight in his seat.

"Oh, she did. She said that Nightwing-" He held up his hands to form quotation marks when he said Nighwing. "-was insufferable this morning."

He had purposely left out the fact that she called him a rebel and said that 'they' were a good person, who cared for others. There was no need to get the competition hope.

"I mean," he added, "I could understand why. Your behavior during the meeting was uncalled for, and you did call her ugly."

"You called her ugly?" A wide-eyed Dick turned to Damian.

"It was an accident." He said defensively. He was definitely going to kill Signal when he saw him again. "And I did apologize...sort of."

"Damian, what exactly did you say?" Dick asked.

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