19: Who?

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Chapter 19: Who?

Jason pushed back his wet hair and stared at his exhausted and sweaty girlfriend. He thought I loved mornings.

He bent down to give her a kiss. However, a pillow covered in dark magic collided against his head, preventing him from making contact.

"You are going to be late for work. Now, let me loose."

"I know. I was only going to give you a kiss." He planted a kiss on her forehead and got out of bed.

As he walked towards the bathroom, he heard Raven calling him all kinds of foul names while the restraints rattled against the bed.

He smirked. The handcuffs from Metrion worked perfectly.

He closed the bathroom door and hummed as he took a shower.

When he came out of the bathroom- cleaned and fully dressed-, he walked towards the bed and released a sleeping Raven from the handcuffs.

He frowned as he looked at her. She looked exhausted.

Maybe we should cut back on the sex. He thought only for a second before dismissing the idea. She is a superhero. She can handle it.

He kissed her on her cheek and placed the covers over her. He walked out the bedroom door and locked it.

He went to the kitchen and fed Titus before leaving the apartment and letting the chef enter to cook breakfast for Raven.

As they passed each other at the doorway, they greeted each other as the chef handed him a bagel for his breakfast.

Fifteen minutes later, he entered the police department, a minute late. As he walked to his desk, he thought, I hate my job.

Damian loved lunchtime. Although, he hated that it was only an hour-long on a good day.

Yet, regardless of the amount of time that he had, he always rushed to meet Raven as he did now.

He pushed up the front door of the police department open to see Raven waiting for him. He blushed a little as he slowed down his pace and calmly walked toward her.

When he reached her, she gave him a small smile. His heart jumped.

He grabbed the picnic basket and gave her a quick kiss. With his free hand, he grabbed her hand and they walked toward the park across the street.

They found a spot on the grass and ate their lunch. As they ate, they talked mostly about his morning since she spent hers in bed resting.

He felt slight regret seeing her wear long sleeves and pants on a warm day, knowing it was to hide the hickeys that were left there.

After they ate, they sat in silence, reading the books that Raven had brought from home.

He enjoyed lunchtimes like these, being in her presence and basking in her company. However, he also enjoyed lunchtime where she would transport them to their apartment and they would spend the hour making love. Nevertheless, as long as he was with her, it didn't matter what they did.

After lunch, he walked her to a secluded alleyway. She teleported from the area to go to Metrion. As he walked back to the station, he thought that lunchtime should be more than an hour.

Dick enjoyed the evenings unless he had to work overtime, but it came with the job that he loved.

As he entered his apartment, he was disappointed to find Duke eating dinner on the couch instead of Raven.

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