9: Who did what?!

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Chapter 9: Who did what?!

"You knocked her out?!"

They were sitting in the gazebo located in the backyard of the Wayne Manor. Well, the miniature version of it. This version contained a couple of square feet of the backyard surrounding the gazebo and was surrounded by five doors.

"I panicked." Jason answered Dick as he readjusted his weight on the rail so that he wouldn't fall.

"Nice, Todd. You better not tease me again for calling her ugly." Damian said from the entrance of the gazebo, which he leaned against with his back on the frame. "You took the cake with this one. "

"What was I supposed to do? She looked at me, in my eyes." He used two fingers to point at his eyes. "And she said my name. Not Nightwing, not Dick, but Jason."

Her gentle voice calling his name had sent ripples of delight down his spine. He had hoped for a long time she would have called him by his name. Yet, when she did it also sent tidal waves of fear to his core.

The last person that called him by his name was Bruce and that didn't fare well for him or Dick.

"Sue me. I did what I thought was best."

Dick, who sat opposite of Jason on a chair, glanced at Damian, who returned his gaze. He wondered what Damian would have done in Jason's shoe. This wasn't an ideal situation.

His hand traveled down his face while his eyes went back to Jason. "So, what did you do next?"

"I took her back to her room and altered any footage of us in the kitchen."

"You know, Cyborg would be able to tell if the tapes were messed with." Damian chimed in.

"Well, I'm not expecting Cyborg to be the one looking at them."

Damian nodded. The half robotic man didn't have a need to review the footage from that night. No one did, except for Raven.

"We'll just act like nothing happened and maybe she will think that it was all a dream."

Dick sighed. He could feel a headache coming on. Although Jason's plan wasn't air-tight, it did seem like the best thing to do for now.

"I think that I should take the lead for now on until things settle down."

"What!" The others said. Damian straightened up and Jason jumped up off the rail.

"Why should you take the lead?" Jason questioned.

Dick held up both hands. "Calm down. I am not trying to get rid of you all. I think, until we figure out how Raven knew about Jason, I should take control. It is for the best that if she is going to know one of our names, she should know my name, the name that is on our birth certificate and driving license. How will you explain if she started to ask questions about the name Jason Todd? Will you knock her out again?"

He focused on Damian. "You carry the same last name as Bruce. Do you think it is a good idea for her to know your name as well?"

"It makes sense." Damian mumbled. "Especially if we don't want others to find out our secret."

Jason narrowed his eyes at Dick. "That's the problem. The secrets that we keep, isn't it?."

"I thought we moved on from that." Dick didn't understand why Jason was glaring at him. He hadn't attempted to erase them since they had that conversation when they had arrived here. Since then, he hadn't kept anything from the other Robins.

He gulped. I asked Raven out.

"Did you remember something that you want to share with the class?" Jason noticed the guilty expression on his face.

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