11: Who Gave their Life?

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Chapter 11: Who Gave their Life?

"I'm telling you it's not fair." The dishes in the sink rattled. Water droplets were splashed on the surrounding area as Starfire's hand moved in the water. She was searching for another dirty plate.

"I want to cook as well. I have gotten better. I can make several delicious entries. I can make spaghetti, chicken casserole, rotel. I even know how to bake an excellent red velvet cake.

"But every time I offer to cook, they shove me out of the kitchen. How will they know if I improved if they won't give it a try? Argh, I can't stand them.

"Besides, I hate washing dishes. Look at what it does to my hands." Starfire showed off her wrinkled, soapy, and pale hands.

Raven sighed. She agreed with Starfire. She hated washing dishes, especially since the boys usually left the kitchen a mess after cooking. Nevertheless, they all had agreed in the beginning that whoever didn't cook would clean. And unlike Starfire, she had no desire to cook.

"We should start a revolution," Starfire continued.

"I think you are a little too late for that revolution, Star."

The beautiful alien dropped the plate that was in her hands to grab her friend's equally soapy hands that held a knife.

"Think about it. A world where women rule and we all get along." As she thought about it, the more she liked it.

"Umm...I am sure that the Amazons will be more than willing to take a warrior like you on their island. " Raven wanted her hands back. She wanted to get the dishes done sooner than later.

Starfire shook her head. There were no modern technology and clothes and..."There are no guys in Themyscira. It will be hard for me to sleep with someone when I want to."

"I can see how that would be a problem." She agreed. That would stop her from joining the island as well. She wasn't promiscuous but when she wanted to have sex, she preferred male partners who looked like Nightwing. In fact, all her partners after Goth possessed at least two features that were similar to Dick.

Was that why she always dated guys with jet black hair?

She pushed the thought away and focused back on Starfire's words.

"-and we will have everything that we could ever dream of. Will you be my partner in this revolution?"

"I don't think-"

"I will build a private library for you in every major city. It will come with a masseur and a person to feed you grapes and give you unlimited tea."

"Starfire." Raven's tone was serious along with her eyes. "Out of everyone on his planet, you are the only one who truly knows what I want. I will join you and make your dream into a reality."

"I will make sure I do right by you," Starfire said equally seriously. " I will make sure to build you a city that is similar to the one that Johnny Rancid created when we were younger as well."

Raven pulled back her hands and saluted Starfire. "Your wish is my command."

Starfire returned the salute. "I'm happy to have you as a partner. I can't wait to conquer the world."

"So, who should I report this to?" The ladies of the Titans jumped. Raven almost dropped the knife in her hand. They turned to see Nightwing standing at the doorway.

"Report what?" Starfire asked sheepishly, scratching the back of her head. She frowned when she realized her hand was still wet.

"Report that two dangerous ladies are planning to take over the world."

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