10: Who created Robin?

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Chapter 10: Who created Robin?

The sound of fire cracking could be heard in the room as each individual was lost in their own thoughts. Yet, each one was hyper-aware of each other.

When one made a slight movement, the others would quickly look at the person. However, there was one person who didn't focus on the others as much since she was trying to sort out all her memories inside her head.

And, that person was the one who held all of the Robins' attention the most.

Raven looked up with a balled-up fist still covering her mouth as her chin rested on her thumb. She scanned the three Robins who were sitting on the couch across from her. Damian was on the right, Jason was on the left, and Dick sat in the middle.

They all were exactly like how she saw them in her dream. In fact, they looked better. Heat suffused her face as she thought about her dreams. She quickly dropped her eyes and covered her face with her hands. She didn't want them to notice the blush that she was sure that was on her face.

"Raven," Dick said softly, moving closer to the edge of the cushion. "I know that this may come as a surprise to you and may be hard to process. But..." He trailed off, unsure about what he wanted to say next. This was very unexpected.

They never thought that someone would discover their secret. No, scratched that. They always thought it would be Batman that discovered them first.

They had always been focused on keeping it a secret from Batman and members of the Bat family that they never thought of the possibility of being discovered by someone else.

Raven removed her hands and folded her arms while lifting her eyes. Her blush had subsidized as her annoyance sat in.

"I have eight emoticlones running around in my mirror and a father who I despise trapped inside of a gem that is permanently attached to my forehead. Why didn't you think I wouldn't understand?"

The Robins looked at each other. They never really thought about it. And after meeting a few of her emoticlones and the horrible meeting with her father, they knew that Raven would have been the best person to understand their situation.

Why didn't they think that she wouldn't understand?

The answer was simple: fear.

"You should have told us," Raven continued. "You should have, at least, told me. I would have helped you."

"Help with what actually?" Jason snared, trying to hold in his anger. He wasn't necessarily angry with Raven. The memories of the last "help" that he received flooded through his system. "Help get rid of us. Help heal us. There is nothing wrong with us."

Dick, who understood his pain, placed his hand on Jason's shoulder. Damian who didn't know or experience 'Bruce's cure' nodded in understanding. Knowing his father, it wouldn't have been the most pleasant experience in the world.

Raven frowned, not from Jason's angry outburst but from his emotion. Inside of Nightwing's mind, she now had a clear understanding of his weird essence as well as the emotions that radiated from the three personalities. She knew that what Jason was feeling wasn't anger but fear.

She felt different amounts of fear coming from all of them.

"Maybe I should have said something to you at least." Dick spoke in a gentle voice. "However, we still had scars from the last time we -I sought help. Besides, we are all living in harmony inside of my mind now."

"I see." She said carefully, not believing him. If her dreams were an example of how they interacted with one another. There was no way that they were living together peacefully.

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