13: Who's searching for Who?

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Chapter 13: Who's searching for Who?

Cyborg stepped off the teleportation platform and on to the strip that led to the main entrance of the WatchTower.

He spoke to some of the Justice League members as he walked around the halls but he held a conversation with none of them.

His mission was simple. He was to collect data from the bodies of the dead women that was discovered months ago.

In his personal system, he had already downloaded the information that had been needed for this mission. That included information for the autopsy report. However, as they analyzed the data from the new bodies, they realized that they were going to need the fresh DNA sample from the old bodies to compare with the sample that they were collecting.

Unless all the victims were identical twins, something wasn't adding up. Why were there two bodies of one person? Why did they start to appear at the same time that the crime syndicate infiltrated Brother Blood's and Professor Chang's group?

There were two possibilities: One, someone was conducting a cloning experiment. Or two, they were from another dimension.

He wasn't sure which one. Yet, they planned to find out.

Cyborg stopped at the evidence room door for the lab sample and opened it. He was in luck; there was no one there. It made it easier for him to grab the sample without anyone questioning him.

He worked quickly in the room to gather the sample from the refrigerator. When he was finished transferring the samples into a small, cold container, he left the room and headed back to the transportation platform.

He did as he did before when he had arrived, he spoke to some of the members but he didn't hold a conversation with them.

He had made it all the way to the platform when he ran into the worst possible thing in the WatchTower.

"Hey, Cy-bi"

Cyborg closed his eyes, praying that he would go away. However, he rarely did.

"Hey, Cy-bi." Booster Gold appeared in front of Cyborg, halting his tracks. "I guess, you didn't hear me back there. Must be all that static in your system." The time traveler chuckled.

"Maybe I didn't answer because you were saying the wrong name. It's not Cy-bi; It's Cyborg." He stepped around him and continued to the transportation platform.

"Oh, Cy-bi, don't be like that. I was only wondering where you have been. I haven't seen you around the Tower lately. I was wondering if you were on a mission and if you needed help." He followed Cyborg to the platform.

"No, I don't need help."

"So, you are on a mission. Let me help. I can be a great sidekick, no I mean partner. Tell me where we are going. What's the mission?"

"I'm going to Gotham." He said, stepping on the platform. "If you want to help, then follow." Cyborg smirked, knowing that Batman had issued a threat to Booster Gold to stay out of Gotham.

Besides, Booster Gold should be worried about the mess that he had created and the one that Superman was trying to cover up for him rather than being on a mission.

"Okay, I would let the team know." Changeling ended the call with Cyborg and headed over to Raven. She was compiling the set of data from their autopsy.

He wasn't fawn of her working on the victims' bodies; however, it couldn't be helped. The Doom Patrol had moved on to track down the Brotherhood of Evil, leaving them to do all of the work themselves. Although, if they would have stayed, there wouldn't be enough work to distribute among the two teams, now that all of the bodies were dug up.

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