Chapter One

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Chapter One:

Ellie's POV:

"Great job Hutch. That's all for today, when do you want your next session to be?" I ask pulling out my iPhone to look at my calendar.

"How bout... Tomorrow at 3:20?" He asks, also looking at his phone.

"Sure thing, I'm free then," I say typing it into "events" quickly and locking it, sliding my phone back in my gym bag.

"Will you be free for lunch too?" He asks looking down at his feet sheepishly.

"Nice try Josh. Already went over this. Many, many times before. I don't date my clients," I say smiling as I sit down to tie my neon colored Nikes.

I'm a personal trainer for stars. Mostly Hollywood stars. I get them into shape, and sometimes buff for their movies, music videos and what not. I've trained plenty of people in my time. Even though I'm only 18, I've seen a lot before. Not just guy movie stars but girls too.

Everything from Johnny Depp, to Miley Cyrus, to Josh Hutcherson. Who I happen to be training at this moment. Or at least just finished a session with.

I've even trained Channing Tatum.

"Well, don't look at it like that then. It could just be a way for me to say thank you, for helping me prepare for the movie," he says referring to his new movie "Catching Fire", he holds out a hand to help me up. I take it and stand on my own two feet pulling my ponytail tighter.

"I'll think about it," I say smiling.

"Ok. Well, just in case you decide to I can take your number." He says pulling out his phone again.

"How will that help me get ahold of you?" I ask laughing as he tries to come up with an answer.

"It's fine. I already have your number remember? I take all my clients numbers down just in case," I explain.

"Too bad you haven't used mine yet," he says with and ear to ear grin.

"You little flirt," I say shoving him lightly as we walk to the door of the studio.

"What can I say? The ladies love me," he says pulling his hood over his head. I smile and shake my head.

"But seriously, even if its not a date, I would really like to hang out with you sometime. You seem really chill," he explains seriously.

"Oh. Then you haven't seen the crazy side of me," I say laughing.

"I hope to soon," he says laughing.

"Get outta here Hutch!" I say laughing, and slapping his arm, shooing him towards the door.

"Ok. Ok. Ok."

"Bye Josh."

"By Ellie. CALL ME!" He exclaims dashing out the double doors of the building before I can say anything.

My phone starts to ring in the small pocket of my gym back and I pull it out.

"This is Ellie," I say professionally just in case it's a client.

"Hey El. We still on for lunch?" My bestfriend Lauren chimes.

"Yup, be there in like 14 minutes," I say picking up my bag and walking through the double doors and locking them behind me.

"Why not 15?" She asks stifling her giggle.

"How long have you known me again?"I ask seriously. I don't like normal numbers. Like for instance 6:15 or 12:45. I don't like them like that, it has to be something different. Like 12:43 or 6:17. It's just a pet peeve I don't even know where I got it form, or picked it up. I just did.

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