Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:

Ellie's POV.

One week later.

April 26, 2012.

I listen to the music fill the room as I stretch out on the hardwood floor of my gym. Josh should be here in about 4 minutes, so I just continue to stretch.

The rumbling of a cars engine pulls up in front of the building, followed by a furious Hutch flinging the double doors open and taking long stride in.

"What the heck is this?!?!" He asks shaking the magazine he has in between his hands.

"Um. I don't know?"

He throws it at me an I pick it up looking at him standing there like a 4 year old. His arms are crossed at his chest, with his fists formed into balls, and he is tapping his foot on the ground impatiently.

I look down to see Justin and I on the cover of the magazine. It's us holding hands at the park, with him kissing my cheek, and me smiling. This must have been taken when we went to the park with Jaz and Jax. The headline reads "Another one going to come and go?"

How could that possibly be true? Justin told me he's never going I let me "get away", and we have been dating for over a month now. Things are getting pretty serious. Still though, the magazine makes me a little upset. Just seeing the headline.

How many others were there?

How much time did he spend with then?

Did he tell them the same things he tells me?

"Where do you get this?" I ask Josh as I flip through some of the pages to find the article.

"Answer my question first," he counters rather rudely.

"Alright. Well. It's a magazine," I tell him stating the facts.

"No duh! Why does it say 'Another one going to come and go?'," he asks quoting the headline, "and why are you dating Justin?!"

"Well first of all. It's not your business who I date. And I'm dating him because I want to! That good enough for you?!"

I finally find the article and read it quickly.

Magazine Article:

Justin has been spotted multiple times with this new mystery girl. Who is she? What's her name? How did they meet?

Sources tell us he name is Ellie Bergensen, and she is his personal trainer. Hot!

Will things last forever? Or will they quickly fizzle out like Bieber's other relationships? Will his player ways break them apart?

Fizzle out?


How do they know this stuff about us?

About me.

"No! Actually! It isn't! I thought you were training him?!" He yells throwing hi hands up.

"Honestly Josh! It isn't any of your business!"

"It is my business! Especially since you denied me because I am a client! But then you go hooking up with Bieber?!"

"We're not 'hooking up'," I tell him using air quotes around the "hooking up" part, "and what does it matter?!"

"Ok! Yeah! Sure your not!" He snorts, "and it matters because I've been asking you for a year now to go out with me! On just one date! ONE DATE! And you say no! Because I'm a client! And you don't date your clients! But now all of a sudden! It's okay to date Bieber! YOUR CLIENT!" He screams taking a step closer to me, and I take two steps back.

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