Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen:

Ellie's POV.

July 4th, 2012.

"Justin!" Jazzy exclaims leaping into his arms as he sweeps her off the floor and throws her into the air making her giggle.

"Hey lil sis! It's been forever!"

"Hi Ellie," Jaxon almost whispers bashfully.

"Hey big boy!" I exclaim picking him up so he's sitting on my hip.

"You guys ready to set off some crazy fireworks?!" Justin's asks them as we walk up the steps toward my apartment.

"Yes!" They scream in sync almost overly enthusiastic.

"And Dad will be back any minute, he jut went to get some sparklers," he explains closing the door with the hand opposite to the one he is holding Jazzy's with.

"Your mom too?" I ask making sure I had heard him correctly from earlier.

"Yup, she texted me about 23 minutes ago saying she was on her way so she should be here any se-" he's cut off by a knocking on the door. I walk over with Jaxon still on my hip to open the locked door for her.

"Hey Ellie!" She exclaims taking a step inside and giving me a hug, "hi Jaxon!"

Then she gives him a hug.

"Hi Pattie how are you?" I ask her ushering her inside and closing the door behind us.

"I'm great! And you?"

"Fantastic thanks!"


"So I hear it was recently your birthday? What...? The first?" Jeremy asks looking at me as we sit on the grass watching Jax and Jaz play with sparklers.

Jeremy on the far left laying down, I'm to his right sitting cross legged, Justin to my right propped up on his elbows, and Pattie on Justin's right also sitting cross legged like myself.

"Yep," I respond laughing lightly.

"How old are you now?" Pattie asks sitting up a little straighter.

"Nineteen!" Justin yells sitting up from his previous position on his elbows.

"Dating an older woman?!" Jeremy asks in fake surprise shock and I look at Justin while raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"He's just kidding," Justin mumbles giving his dad a death glare.

"Yup...." Jeremy agrees awkwardly laughing.

"Ok well I am going to go play with Jax and Jaz," I say standing up and fixing my black high-waisted shorts.

"I'll go get the fireworks," Justin says standing up, turning on his heels, and hopping up the stairs two by two.

"I'll come with you El," Pattie says standing up and following me, leaving Jeremy by himself laying on the grass in front of my apartment.


"Ok how do you do it?"

"You light the string on the end," Justin explains handing me the matches and pointing to the small lighter string on the end.



I light off a match and hold it up to the string on the end of the small firework. The little flame starts to work it's way up from the end of the string to the bottom of the firework. Then BOOM!

Splashes of color and bright lights are forming in the sky in the shape if swirls. Leaving a giant cloud of smoke behind.

"I have an extra special one I want you to light off," he tells me going over to the sidewalk and taking out a giant firework from the box. It's about as long as my arm and as fat as a head.

"What makes it extra special?" I question using air quotes with the "extra special" part.

"Well... It's... Umm... Because... Because its big?" He says shrugging as he sets it up on the tiny stand.

"That sounded convincing."

"Totally," he laughs.

"It's so big!" Jazzy exclaims.

"Yup, but I don't want you guys getting hurt okay? Stay back with Dad," he nods his head over to where Pattie and Jeremy are sitting side by side on the sidewalk.

They skip over to Jeremy and sit on his lap. One on each knee.

"Ready?" Justin asks looking at me with a half cheeky grin and a half mischievous smile. I nod my head lighting the firework off.

Holding the match to the string and watching as it goes off, letting the colors explode I stare in awe. I'm staring wide-eyed when I realize it's spelling something out.

All eyes are on me as I read it.

"Can we give it another try?" I read aloud then turn to face Justin letting my jaw hang open.

"How did you...?"

"Friend of a friend," he explains shrugging, "whatdaya think?" He asks using his cute little Canadian accent.

"Thought you would never ask," I sigh laughing.

"Thank goodness," he chuckles wiping fake sweat from his forehead. Opening his arms of wide for a hug he gives me a cheeky grin. I walk into his open arms smiling, intertwining my fingers behind his neck as he rests his hands on my hips and hugs me tightly to his chest. I snuggle into the crook of his neck.

"We'll take everything slow this time," he reassures me sighing happily.

"NOW your dating an older woman," Jeremy calls from the sidewalk cupping his hands around his mouth.


AWWW adorable!

They're together again!

Took a while but it happened.




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