leo - depend

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#25 enjoy!

following season 4's ending.

"Is Leo okay?" Y/n asked Mikey.

They were both sitting in his room, talking about the events that just happened the past week. Splinter was gone. So was the Shredder but everyone felt more of a loss than a win. Leonardo was silent the whole time after the rooftop, staying in the dojo, meditating.

"No," he shook his head, looking down. Y/n was worried for her boyfriend and his brothers. They all busied themselves with their hobbies, but they all knew that it wouldn't help with the loss of their father. "I miss him," he pouted, tears falling. Michelangelo tried staying happy for his brothers to show that nothing had affected him, but in reality, it was taking a toll on the young turtle. There wasn't a night where he didn't cry about his fallen father.

"Me too," she murmured, hugging the orange clad who cried in her shoulder. A few tears of her own made their way on her cheek, falling onto his shell. The comfort she found in his arms helped her, but the worry for Leo still lingered in her mind.
A few moments later, Miley's sobs became hiccups and sniffling.

"I'm gonna make some dinner. Want some?" He stood up, near the door. She nodded with a small smile. He tried to smile back but frowned, he couldn't bare the thought being without his father.
Y/n left the room after one more glimpse of the room. It wasn't neat, but it was organized in a way Mikey would only understand. She respected that, as she stood up. With a sigh, she wiped her tears and made her way to the dojo. She knew she shouldn't bother Leonardo from his grief, but she knew it wasn't healthy for him to stay like that.

She found herself at the door, scared to step foot inside, but did so anyways. Leo was in front of the small shelf that once only had a photo and some candles, now decorated with every picture they had. With a strong inhale, she went in, walking slowly.

She sat beside the blue masked turtle, mimicking his position. She wanted to say something, she had to say something. Her boyfriend couldn't stay like this forever. "Leo," she tried to find the right words to say. "You have to go comfort your brothers. You have to leave this room, you've been here for hours, meditating. It's not healthy."

He furrowed his eyebrows in frustration, "you don't know what I'm going through. Besides, they don't need comforting, they seem fine."

"In the past week, I've seen all of them break down crying at least three times. Mikey only cried once, and that was right before I came here." Leo started to get angry, he wondered how she could just waltz right in the dojo, and start saying stuff like that.

"How come you don't feel any pain, how come you're not mourning like the rest of us?!" Everything that he has felt ever since his father passed, just got thrown towards his girlfriend. Y/n took it well, she knows he doesn't mean any harm.

She closed her eyes, breathing softly, "well, for the past few months, Sensei kept on hinting his end. He keeps on telling everyone that he's not going to be here forever or he gives future advice. I sorta, tried, to prepare myself. But it still hurts." She opened her eyes to see a turtle looking at her, eyes wide in disbelief. It started to make sense for the eldest turtle now when she said it. He put his hands on his head.

"H- how come I didn't understand that? How can I be so naive? How-" Y/n put a hand on his shoulder.

"You guys weren't supposed to know. He didn't want you guys worrying about him. That's why he prepared you guys for this."

"How do you know?" He finally asked, it caught her off guard but nonetheless gave him an answer. She recoiled her hand from his shoulder, letting it fidget with her other hand, thumbs twiddling nervously.

"I confronted him the week before the fight," she looked up at the shelf, staring at the picture of Splinter with the turtles when they were younger. "He knew his passing was going to be hard on you guys, so he thought distancing himself would help you all." Leo looked down, ashamed that all he had done for the past week was weeping around. She looked at Leo, who had a frown on his face, "I know you feel like the world's on your shoulders, but you gotta remember that we're here with you."

"What she said," Raphael said behind them, with Michelangelo and Donatello beside him. They walked closer, Raph putting an arm around Leo's neck, the side where Y/n wasn't. "You can always depend on us."

"Yeah, if you want us to watch that lame show of yours, we will. Ow!" Mikey said, yelping because he got a slap from Raph.

"Thanks guys," Leo smiled.

"Turtle hug!" Donnie announced, arms wide as the others copied. Leo's eyes widen.

"No way."

"I'm leaving," Y/n said hastily, not wanting to join the painful embrace.

"Oh no you don't, we're in this together," Leo pulled her in, making her yelp in a high pitch voice, then getting squashed by three turtles.

As much pain she's going through by three muscular, mutant ninja turtles, she wouldn't have it any other way.

The sound of a small alarm made its way to their ears, confusing everyone but Mikey who groaned.

"Oh no! My ramen!"

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