~Michelangeloxreader~ whatever happens

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Request: @mulangirl223

Word count: 2302

Prompt: 28. "whatever happens i'm still here."
21. "if you were truly sorry, you would never need to apologize over and over again for the same thing."

Universe: series

Age: 17

Status: bestiessss

Note/Warning: Mature language.
I'm very biased lmao. All of my fluff are under 1000 words and this one is over 2000 words.
Also Mike is the cutest thing everrrrrrr.

This contains a bunch of self doubt.

Mikey messed up on a mission.


He didn't know the big red button was an alarm. In his defence, it should've at least have a label on it. They were walking back to the lair, all mad that they had lost.
He hugged his arm that was in scorching pain. He would usually tell his brothers if he got hurt so that they could mend his wound, but he was scared. Afraid of them yelling at him for messing up. His foot also felt on fire whenever it stepped on the ground, pain shooting up until his knee. He walked slower so that it wouldn't hurt as much.

Raph noticed his little brother slowing down. He was slightly worried but overall annoyed that he's slowing down the rest of them. "Hurry the fuck up, knucklehead!" Raphael yelled after him, irritated. Mikey gives him a small pout in pain, later on nodding, trying to walk faster. More pain was all he felt.

"Don't go so hard on him Raph, we weren't the only ones who got hurt," Leo defended, putting a hand on Raph's shoulder.

He shrugged it off, angered that his brother was always on his side, "give it up, Leo! You know that if he didn't touch anything like we told him to, none of this would've happened!" He stormed off, walking ahead of them to the alleyway nearest to the lair.
Leo pounded at his words, he was right, but Mikey was curious.

"He's right, we've been telling him not to push any buttons. It is his fault," Donnie walked faster to catch up with Raph so he wouldn't hurt himself.
Leo knew Mikey never had the intention to put them in danger. They would usually come out victorious, but this time was different. This time they were undertrained, not prepared for what was about to come. With his headache starting to bloom on the side of his head, he saw Mikey finally catching up.

"Where's Raph and Donnie?" The young turtle asked. Leo didn't reply, his head pounding against his skull, pointing in the direction his other brothers went in. Mikey started to worry for the eldest, his baby blue eyes growing with concern, "are you okay, Leo?"

"Yeah, it's just- nevermind. Let's just go," he walked away, not waiting for the orange clad to catch up to him. That made Mikey frown, he tried shaking it off while limping towards his brother, pain in his leg with every time he stepped on it.

"I'm sorry, dude."

"If you were truly sorry, you would never need to apologize over and over again for the same thing."

By the next few days, everyone was healing, and back to normal.

Raph started ignoring Mikey which was out of the blue. Even though that saddened him a bit, he didn't want to think about it. Instead he busied himself in the kitchen, making and experimenting new foods.
Donnie and Leo appreciated the food, but Raph didn't eat any of it, not wanting to associate himself with Mikey in any way.

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