raphael - effort

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last reupload for now <3

"Are they-"

"Yep," Leonardo answered his younger brother, both watching Raph and Y/n spar one another. Though something that the turtles were getting tired off was both of them flirting and both are not doing anything about it. Leo had his arms crossed, one over the other, watching the two in disappointment.

Mikey came to tell them that pizza had arrived, but stopped himself to ask his older brother a question. He looked at the two in amusement, glad that they were happy, but annoyed that none of them had made a move. Groaning at Leo's answer, he left the dojo, not wanting to interact with the two lovebirds. "Whatever, pizza's here!" He called over is shoulder before he went to get a slice or two; or the box. Leo joined him, leaving the lovebirds by themselves.

Y/n was pinned under Raph, struggling against his hold. Her arms above her head, his hand holding it and the other holding himself up so he didn't crush her. His face was beside her head, panting as his breath fanned her neck, making her neck hairs stand up. "I win, sweetheart." Y/n glared at him, mad that she lost, again. His head lifted from the side of her head, his piercing green eyes burned into hers, all covered in lust.

"Y'know, I never thought we would go down in the dojo, I thought you were a gentleman," she coked her head to the side, in confusion jokingly. Raph's dark green complexion warms even darker, the apples of his cheeks turning a warm dark red.
Y/n smirked at the reaction she got, knowing she distracted him, she flipped him over, straddling his waist. "Don't get distracted," she whispered. She then stood up, walking out of the dojo, swaying her hips.

"Hey, where you going?" He called after her, confusion written all over his face. She glanced over her shoulder, the turtle once who was laying down, sat up. A smirk danced on her face mockingly, giving him a small giggle.

"There's pizza and I'm hungry," she pointed towards the door with her thumb.

"You were about to ditch me?"

"Then catch up," she started to run. Raph shook his head slightly in disbelief as he scoffed.

What did I get myself into?

"Oh no you don't!" He yelled, hearing Y/n's laughter echoed throughout the lair, making Raph's mutated heart swell in joy. With a smirk growing, he continued to chase her as he tackled her onto the ground, holding her close to make sure she didn't get hurt. "Gotcha'."

She only grinned in response, happy that he did in fact caught up to her.


After pizza, Y/n and Raph were in his room.

They were both laying down, Raphael's arm around her while she cuddled up to his side. With the warmth and bliss that was filling up the aroma of the room, they both felt at ease. The adrenaline pipping down from its high, allowing them both to fully relax.
'It's time.' Y/n thought.
With a deep breath, Y/n kissed him. He didn't have time to kiss back as she broke it too early for anyone's liking.

"What?" Raph responded, sitting up, taking
Y/n with him. She tilted her head, slightly perplexed of what he meant. "Why now?" He asked, she chuckled in response, never breaking their gaze.

"Was testing your patience hothead," she poked his cheek, giggling. She admired at the effort he made all the time whenever she tried to piss him off.

"Well, sweetheart, you took your time," he scoffed.

Raising an eyebrow, she responded, "you could've done something, too."

"How was I supposed to know that you would like this mutant?" He said under his breath, but she heard. With a soft sigh she took his hand into hers, drawing shapes with her finger, careful not to use her nail.

"I don't." He looked at her baffled, thinking about recoiling his hand but couldn't deny the fire he felt wherever her finger traced. "I love this mutant," she finished, looking up at the red clad. His eyes were saucers, a lopsided grin covering his face.

"This mutant loves you back," he leaned in and took his mouth onto hers, pressing their bodies closer together. His hand on the back of her head, squishing their faces together, deepening the kiss.

"About time."

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