~DonatelloxHanahaki!reader~ Love me please

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#7 Yesss a Donnie💜

Request: @motitmntlover

Word count: 3169

Universe: 2012

Age: 19

Status: Hanahaki: One-sided love that causes the person to have their favourite flowers build up in their respiratory system. If the love is not returned they can potentially die. Only can be cured by if the crush returns the love or they can get it surgically removed; but the love will fade.

~ blood
~ mild language
~ aNgSt
~ oof I've been wanting to write a Hanahaki!Reader for so longggg. I'm so fucking glad someone requested it
~ I'm adding a bit of a twist so it's not entirely correct to its definition
~ Thank you for 1K reads


My lungs itched as I coughed up more Magnolia flowers.

I tried to clear my mind, but his face would always pop up. It happened more and more often as the days progressed. No one had really noticed yet. But that day wasn't my day, because I was meditating with Leo. I was hoping that he was in a deep enough meditation that he wouldn't get out of, but as always, things never went my way. His eyes shot open at the sound of me trying gasping for air. His face softened at my weak state.
"Take it easy. Try to breath," he instructed.
Like it's that easy dipshit.
I followed his order and found myself breathing normally again. I smiled at him in thanks, he didn't return it. A frown covered his face, he looked deeply concerned.
"You're coughing up hanas, Y/n. You have it, don't you?" He looked at me with sorrow. I wanted to claim it false but there was too much guilt in me to even try to let the lie roll off my tongue. I nodded slowly, he knew and I knew, but no one else knew.
"When? Who?" I didn't want to talk about it. I looked away, I couldn't bare to look at him.
"Y/n, is it one of my brothers?" He strained. I wanted to breakdown and start crying. I didn't want to deal with it nor think about it.
I inhaled audibly.

"Six months ago, and Don caused it." I said quickly, looking at Leo with a sad gaze.
"It was a small crush I had on him since I met you guys. I don't know why, but he was more in my favour. We had more interests and hanged out more. Making stuff together and have fun." My voice laced off.
"Then six and a half months ago I realized I loved him. I wanted to tell him how I felt. But I knew how he felt about April. Once he met her, she was all he talked about. April this and April that. The worst part is that she doesn't even like him like that. She likes Casey."

"Ouch," Leo had a painful look on his face.
"Did she tell you that?"

"Yeah. She even said how it's a love triangle because she apparently 'doesn't know whom to choose'. Is she fucking with me? I'm in love with someone who is in love with her and she doesn't even care." I coughed in my elbow as more Magnolia petals came out.
"One day when Donnie was talking about her —as per usual— my lungs started to itch and I started coughing immediately. I thought I had some kind of cold. I didn't get any better even with medicine. When I felt like I couldn't breath, I realized that I had it. I read stories about it."

"Sensei talked about how Shredder almost got it, but his anger and revenge took over instead." Leo commented. I nodded, remembering the story.

"I wasn't certain. Then a week later I started coughing up Magnolia petals, sometimes flowers, and that confirmed it. I got scared and I didn't want you guys to worry. I know I've been with you guys since we were fourteen, but you guys have the whole city to take care of. I'm just another burden."

"You're in the city, so we have to take care of you as well. You're family," he opened his arms. I hastily jumped in his arms, tears fell faster then I can count. My lungs itched again, I coughed and saw little dots of blood on the petals.
'First signs of blood indicates last week alive.'
"It's okay. Hey, at least it's temporary. But in the meanwhile why don't you just confess?"
Did he not know that this is a deathly disease?

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