~RaphealxShy!reader- Butterflies

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Request: _sadorable_

Word count: 1355

Prompt: n/a

Universe: series

Age: 19

Status: crushing

Note/Warning: Fluffffff And Mild language


I LOVE YOU RAMEEN aka _sadorable_ whom had requested this chapter back in August


They fluttered.

In her stomach, her chest.

The butterflies fluttered.

She would get flustered.

When did they flutter?

When he was around.

It was evident that Y/n had the biggest imaginable crush on Raphael when they had met almost a year ago. As though she thought it was a crush, then realized she had it for ten months and never got over it.
Reading online: a crush over four months is love.
After that she was in denial.
She couldn't love him.
At the same time, what's not to love about him?
Was it how he fought? Was it his abnormally large biceps? His never-ending smirk? The way his neon green eyes shimmered? Or the compassion he secretly showed Mikey, when Y/n entered the lair secretly?
Maybe it was all.

And that scared her.

A few weeks in, she had come to terms with her hormones and came to accept the fact that she loved the young turtle. With that acceptance, that came with a bit of hurting. That was because Raphael never showed any interest towards her. In fact, he barely even acknowledged her when she visited. And that hurt her. Ever since then, she was waiting to fall out of love. But everything Raphael did made her fall more.
Even if he sat down, reading a comic, minding his own busines, she would stare. She tried to not make it obvious, but his concentrated face was so mesmerizing. She couldn't help herself.

In conclusion, she hid her feelings.
If he didn't even like her, what was the point of telling anyone.
That was until Mikey asked her one day when they were watching Crognard in the lair.

"Who do you like?" Y/n whipped her face towards Mikey.

"What?" She squeaked.

"Who do you have a crush on?" Y/n's face became beet red. She looked away quickly, hoping the conversation would end soon

"No one."

"Fine, I'll guess. But you have to tell me if I'm right." Mikey was guessing people she had mentioned in the previous months of knowing her. He named multiple men that she didn't even remember mentioning. When he got to a certain name, her heart stopped. "Raph?"

"What?" She squeaked once more.

"Y'know, my brother. The hotheaded dude who can never think and always is being an ass," he explained.

She shook her head, "I know that. But what makes you think I have a crush on him?"

He shrugged, "you keep on staring at him with googly eyes and you always talk about him."

"No I don't!" She protested.

"Dudette, we're talking about him now."

"Okay, fine. Maybe I do. But tell a soul and you won't be able to see another day," she improvised a fist. Butterflies then erupted in her stomach. Making her force a neutral face since she wanted to smile so badly.

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