leo - queen

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early release for y'all. and it's LEOOOOO

They were green.

That was the only definition I got about the captured prisoners. I was advised to not see them but what power do they have over me? They caught monsters
—allegedly— and I wanted to see them. I got my lady-in-waiting to come with me just incase they want to eat me or something.
She could be their appetizer. I had plenty more maids that could be my next lady-in-waiting. They were very easy to replace. They all loved the idea of being next to the queen.
Also, supposed, bragging rights. That wasn't any of my problem.

I gave the guards a signal that told them to open the door. I saw the scrunch in their face, a concerned look they had. I raised my brow, questioning them if they were questioning my choices. There was no need for hesitation. I knew what I wanted to do. They opened the door and one of them followed inside. Great, he can be the main course.
There were four of them and the guard was pretty wide enough. Enough for all of them really.
Sadly, he was all muscle so I wasn't sure how far that would last. Hopefully, he's enough to suffice.

Ugh, it reminds me of that story of the centaur. If we have to do sacrifices every seven years —maybe even seven months— then so be it. It will be one way to keep the population down in this retched country.
People have no other hobbies. They were all filthy.

Whispers filled my ears as I got to the last step. It echoed louder then the rest and the whispering stopped. I took a deep breath, wiping my hands off of my dress. I told the guard standing beside the gate to move. The other guard stood back, making sure my lady-in-waiting was close by. If they make any moves to take a bite out of me, she will be in reach so I can throw her in. There was no fence between me and the creatures, but they were in the shadows due to the lack of light down here.

"Torch." I raised my hand and I felt the poking splinters on the wooden stick. The stone echoed through the walls, footsteps sounding further away. I rolled my eyes at their assumption. "Please, I would be a coward if I threw it at you. And I am no coward."

"Ugh, her voice is worse than I thought," a deep voice said, he was at the end and his mask he wore was red. The disrespect was such an unknowing feeling that I had nothing to say. People tried their hardest to not talk about me behind their backs because there were people who would snitch on them.
If I knew anyone who worked for me didn't like me, then they can continue disliking me somewhere else.

"Is that how you talk about your queen?" I asked, keeping the torch near. The only thing it illuminated was blue eyes. They were bright and full of curiosity. My breath hitched at the sight of them, looking deeper at the darker blue flecks that surrounded the iris.

I ripped my gaze away from them and one of them coughed. A different voice. I wasn't entirely sure if I liked what he said over what the past guy said. "Technically, you aren't our queen. If you haven't noticed from our accent, we are not from here." I will admit, after being in numerous meetings with people all over the world, accents blend. The one I had always felt familiar but others I had just melted them together.
My bad.

"You're not from Canada?"

"New York."

I shrugged.
Specifics really.
The fire of curiosity grew and I brought the torch closer to their faces. I jumped back in shock. "Holy shit! What the fuck are you?" Their faces were wide and in varied shades of green. It wasn't a sore sight but it wasn't very welcoming either. I swore in front of them and the people who work for me. Mother would not have been pleased. My heart was beating so fast in fear.
Not much the fear of them, but the fear of the unknown. I didn't know what or who they were and knowing there might be more of them is terrifying.

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