Love as a friend

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Hae In, Ye Jin and Hyo Jin eat their lunch at restaurant nearest their school. After their teaching class, they decided to get lunch together.

'Ye Jin-ah, Hyo Jin-ah, what do you want to eat??' Hae In asked

'I want to eat spaghetti bolognese and fresh orange, you Hyo Jin?' Ye Jin answered

'I don't know what I want to eat, I think I want same menu like you. Can I ?' Hyo Jin tell her with a cute smile

'Of course you can my dear.' Ye Jin laugh with Hyo Jin act

Hae In ordered all their menu. After food arrived, they eat their food with gusto. Hyo Jin and Ye Jin laugh a lot because Hae In always make a joke between their meal

After enjoyed all their meal, Hae In asked Ye Jin to go another place with him. He want to tell her about something. Hyo Jin understand with Hae In hint, leave early to their school and she also have another classes to teach.


Ye Jin and Hae In go to Han river with Hae In's car. They go out from car and standing in front of Han river.

'Hae In-ah, what do you want to tell me about?' Ye Jin asking

Hae In just stared at Han river, then he lean closer to Ye Jin and he held Ye Jin's hand. Ye Jin look at her hand and waiting Hae In answer

'Ye Jin-ah, we're recognized each other at Yongshin's orphanage. We were friend together from 8 years old until we grown up as an adul. For me, I never thought you as my friend, but more than that. I love you Ye Jin-ah. I want you to be my yeoja chingu, and I want you complete my life. ' Hae In confessed

Ye Jin startled with Hae In confession just now. She look down and bit her lips.

'Hae In-ah, we always play together from childhood. You're a kind guy, got a sense of humou. But, for me we were always forever as a friend. I never think our relationship can replace with boyfriend and girlfriend term. Miane , Hae In-a. I do love you, but as friend only. I hope you can accept my decision. ' Ye Jin slowly give her answer

She release her hand from Hae In. Hae In shifted his gaze to Han river. Ye Jin feel guilty because a few tears burst from Hae In eyes.

'Aniya Ye Jin-ah. Don't say sorry to me. Its okay. I accept you decision. We always be friend. I had to admit, you're not mine. ' Hae In shed his tears without looking to Ye Jin

Ye Jin also burst a few tears, because she also feel guilty for Hae In. She love Hae In, but as a friend. Not more than that

'Khaja! We go back now. You have a class this evening? You will teach standard 3 right? Come on. ' Hae In asked Ye Jin to go back

'Nae, khaja.' Ye Jin slowly enter Hae In's car and they go back to their school

When they already arrived at their school, Hae In out first from his car, then he walk slowly in front of Ye Jin. Suddenly Hae In collapse! Ye Jin who walk behind Hae In, run to grab Hae In body

'Hae In-ah!!!' Ye Jin yell

Ye Jin support his head and yell Hae In name many times. Hyo Jin already finished her teaching class, heard Ye Jin voice then she run to help Ye Jin..............!

'Hyo Jin-ah! Please help me! Jaebal, call ambulance for me. Help me! Hae In-ah, miane! Please wake up! I'm sorry for all my mistakes!' Ye Jin sobbed

She don't want to lose her friend Hae In, after what happened to them at Han River


'How about him doctor?? Why he collapse just now?' Ye Jin asked doctor with teary eyes

'I'm sorry, Ye Jin-ssi. From our few investigations, we suspect Hae In-ssi having brain cancer. ' Emergency doctor on duty answer Ye Jin question

'Mwo???! Andwe! You lied to me doctor??' Ye Jin grab that doctor shoulder , she cried to much when doctor explained about Hae In's condition. Hyo Jin give her support and hug Ye Jin when doctor deliver bad news about Hae In.

'I'm truly sorry Ye Jin-ssi. We have a treatment for Hae In-ssi. But..'

'But what doctor??! Tell me! ' Ye Jin begging

'You must pay a lot of money for that. At least 6 000 000 Won. It's very expensive. ' Doctor replied

Ye Jin shocked when heard cost for Hae In treatment. Then the doctor ask permission to leave. Ye Jin and Hyo Jin hugging each other and crying together

Ye Jin POV

From where I can get a lot of money for Hae In??

End Flashback


Thanks for upvote!
I will upload about 3 mystery conditions after this. Perhaps Hyun Bin also have his own condition too! Who knows right?
Hehe :)

- Hyun Ayumu -

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