Do you love me now?

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Ye Jin walk into her table while bringing a bunch of books. Hyo Jin smile to her and they having a talk about each other classes this morning

‘Ye Jin-ah, how about your classes this morning??’ Hyo Jin ask

‘I’m very happy! Becaus major of my student able to solve mathematic questions….!’ Ye Jin smile widely

‘Geure??! Chukae….! Your student able to solve it because they have a good teacher….’ Hyo Jin compliment Ye Jin ability

Ye Jin shook her head and said because she have a good student. She hope her students can get an excellent grade in examinations. Both of them talking happily. Ye Jin turn her head and look at principle room. They can see door open widely

‘Hyo Jin-ah, why our principle doesn't close the door?? Do we have a guest??’ Ye Jin ask curiously

‘Nae, our principle have a guest right now, VIP. Someone come from a wealthy family want to adopt child here. ' Hyo Jin explain to Ye Jin

A few minute later, school principle come out from her room and walk together with her guest. She introduce her guest to Ye Jin and Hyo Jin. Hyo Jin smile to a guest, but Ye Jin..

‘Min Jung!! What are you doing here…??’ Ye Jin get shock because their school principal guest is Min Jung, Hyun Bin's cousin!

Min Jung give Ye Jin a weak smile..

‘Both of you recognized each other??’ principle ask

‘Nae, Madam. Min Jung is cousin of my husband.  Of course I recognized her.. ’ Ye Jin explained and smile

‘Chincha?? It is good if both of you recognized each other. Starting from today, Min Jung is a eomma for Kil Pulip, your student. ' the principle inform Ye Jin

‘Eomma??’ Ye Jin look at Min Jung. Min Jung get down her face, her expression really sad..


‘Ye Jin-ah, miane about the past. I didn’t means to be rude. I hope you can forgive me. ' Min Jung ask Ye Jin for forgiveness

‘Aniya! I didn’t get mad to you. No need to ask forgiveness from me. I understood, you care about Hyun Bin right??’ Ye Jin held Min Jung hand

‘Nae, because Hyun Bin is my closed cousin. We grown up and always together since childhood. I know a lot Hyun Bin problems too. ’ Min Jung said

‘Nevermind, I understand.. May I ask about something?? Why you adopt child at Yongshin orphanage??’ Ye Jin ask

Min Jung burst some tears when Ye Jin asked her...

‘Because I didn’t have a child. I had been married for 5 years but still didn’t get a child.. I never get a chance to feel pregnancy journey even for once. We tried over and over but still no pregnancy hint. ' Min Jung said in teary eyes

'Min Jung-ah, don’t cry. Maybe God will give you child later. Do you refer to doctor about your infertility??’ Ye Jin ask

‘We always follow up with the doctor, but doctor said we dont have a problem to get child. Now, 5 years.. still we dont get a child. I want adopt some child, but my husband don't  want it. I know, he really want a child. I can see sadness from his eyes. Thats why, I adopt child here. ’ Min Jung answered

‘I’m sorry for your situations. Don’t be sad Min Jung-ah. After this, you discuss slowly with your husband, might be your husband can accept Kil Pulip after she stay at your house, right??Now, stop crying okay? You ruin your make up. Min Jung not adorable anymore…hehehe…’ Ye Jin tease Min Jung

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