3 conditions + 1?

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Ye Jin sit again on her chair after Hyun Bin begging to her. She staring at Hyun Bin face, he looked pathetic and sad.

‘Okay, I agreed marry with you but with 3 conditions. ' Ye Jin said

She try to take deep breath before continue her words.

‘What is it??’ Hyun Bin asked

He focus on Ye Jin face, meanwhile Ye Jin feel a bit flustered when Hyun Bin look at her without blink his eyes

First :
I already worked as a teacher, I think you also have your own job somewhere. So, we live with own money. I don’t want to give my money to you, and I don’t want you give your salary to me.

Second :
After we get marry, I want we move to another house. I don’t want to live with your family.

Third :
Never to touch my body, eventhough we’re married couple.’

Ye Jin explain her 3 conditions to Hyun Bin.  He startle upon hearing her details.

‘Why you give many conditions?? Then all your conditions is nonsense!’ Hyun Bin frown

‘Mwo??! Nonsense..? okay, then good bye Hyun Bin-ssi.’ Ye Jin get ready to stand

‘Okay, okay! Arasso, I agreed with all your conditions. You give me 3 conditions, but I want to make 1 condition also….’ Hyun Bin smile to Ye Jin

'Mwunde??(what?) ‘ Ye Jin asked

‘I want you call me oppa, yeobo or hubby.' Hyun Bin laugh and his deep dimples appear

'Mwo??! Shireo! I just want call you Hyun Bin-ssi’ Ye Jin feel blushed when Hyun Bin asked her to call him oppa, yeobo or hubby

'Then, I don’t want to agree with all our conditions. ‘ Hyun Bin smirk to her

'Arasso, I will call you hubby. One more thing, just now you said you want to give me some money, so I think you know how much my sacrifice for you.  She bite her lips to cover her shyness

'I know. I will give you a lot of money. Thank you Ye Jin-ssi, because willing to help me.’ Hyun Bin held Ye Jin hand and smile with handsome dimples

Ye Jin POV
Why my heart feel weird when Hyun Bin held my hand. My heart skipped a beat for a moment. Owh please, no fall in love to him! Oh no,no,no…. Please Ye Jin, don't!


'So, when do you plan to get marry with me??’ Ye Jin asked

‘As soon as possible, perhaps next week?’ Hyun Bin answered

'Mwo?????! Michegeosso! (are you crazy!) Why so early? ‘ Ye Jin shout to him

‘Of course we must do early, because I want it. Just prepare yourself. Do you have a parents? ‘ Hyun Bin looked at her

Ye Jin just shook her head. He feel sorry for her. Ye Jin give her eye smile and say to him she’s okay. She lost her parents since birth.  Hyun Bin ask permission to leave after their deal to get marry together.


Hyun Bin POV
Her hand so soft. She have a beautiful eye smile. Like an angel! My heartbeat fast when she smiled to me.  I feel want to kiss her , she looked adorable! OMG Bin. What are you thinking about? Ye Jin-ssi just a woman who agreed to get married with you. Not more than that.

Why she give so many conditions?? I don’t care about 1st and 3rd condition, but about move to another house, I don’t think my eomma can agreed with this. She will angry when she know I will married with my own choice then decide to move from our family house. I bet Eomma will never let go of me and Ye Jin after wedding.

I don’t care about this. I will ask Appa to help me persuade Ye Jin, dont move to another house. I know, Ye Jin will obey Appa request.. So, I don’t need to move another house?? Yes! I'm so smart! kekekeke~


Ye Jin POV
Ye Jin-ah! Pabo! Why so easy you agreed with Hyun Bin plan?? Aigoo. But Hyun Bin offered sum of money for me. I need that money for Hae In treament. Ottoke?? Hae In-ah.. for you, I will do everything,  eventhough I need to marry someone who I don't really know. Thats why, I willing to gamble my whole life for your sake..

Because , I love you as my friend Hae In-ah..


I choosed 'Hubby' word for Hyun Bin because I'll plan to make Hyun Bin call Ye Jin as 'Honey' after this. Hehe

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I will update their wedding and unexpected first night together
See you ^^

- Hyun Ayumu -

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