I've fallen for you

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Seon Ho, Jae Wook and Hyun Bin out from their meeting room. Hyun Bin ask Seon Ho and Jae Wook eat lunch together. They agreed and eat lunch at nearest restaurant.

'Hyung, how about you and Ye Jin eonni?? Any progress?? ' Seon Ho ask Hyun Bin with full mouth of food

Seon Ho-ah! Aish, finish your food before talking!' Jae Wook address Seon Ho

'Nothing happened! Always like before. Ye Jin and me treat each other like friends. ' Hyun Bin answered Seon Ho question

'Aigoo, Hyung.. Ye Jin eonni such an angel. Why not you start learn to love her. At least trying.. ' Seon Ho try to provoc Hyun Bin

Jae Wook just nodded with Seon Ho suggestion but Hyun Bin shook his head..

'Andwe! I still in love with Sora. Ye Jin and me definitely will separate in the future.. ' Hyun Bin explain

'Mwo??! Hyung, you're pabo! Ye Jin eonni is a good woman, beautiful. Why you want to divorce with her?? Ye Jin eonni heart still empty with any love.... Grab the chance hyung!' Seon Ho tap Hyun Bin shoulder

'Yeah hyung, Ye Jin eonni and you match made from heaven!' Jae Wook also support Seon Ho

'Sora and Ye Jin very different. Sora always up to date with her style,  but Ye Jin?? Always appear with a simple style....' Hyun Bin look at them

'Don't talk like that hyung. Ye Jin eonni not rich like Sora eonni. Of course Ye Jin eonni style look simple but still nice and suit with her. She also got her biggest point, Ye Jin eonni have a natural beauty even she didn't apply any make up...' Jae Wook backup Ye Jin

'Nae hyung! I like Ye Jin eonni. Dont you dare to bad mouth about her!' Seon Ho give Hyun Bin some glare

'I just said the fact...' Hyun Bin said

'Araaa.. but still I don't like when you talk bad about her. I like Ye Jin eonni like my own related blood sister. Just forget about Sora eonni hyung. You must have a new life with someone else. ' Seon Ho finished his food 

'Hyung, when you are at home,  I want you observe Ye Jin eonni. Who knows might be with this way you can fall to her.  I want youto  know, Ye Jin eonni beautiful indeed, goddess!' Jae Wook smirk at Hyun Bin

Hyun Bin just quiet when Jae Wook and Seon Ho sugest some technique to him. They finished their food, and begin to move to their office.  Hyun Bin walk slowly behind Jae Wook and Seon Ho

Hyun Bin POV
It's not an easy like Jae Wook suggest. I don't  miss Ye Jin at all before this. So , how come I can love her?? Because Sora got placed in my heart for long times. But are you sure Bin? You didn't miss Ye Jin?? Errr... I think nope... but I feel something weird in my heart when Hae In called Ye Jin. Jealous might be?? Jealousy means LOVE..

OMO! No,no,no! no way! I'm conscious about myself. We will see who is right later!!

Hyun Bin hold his head with both hand and shook...


Ye Jin sit at the garden. Hyun Bin family mansion have a big garden. She always sit at the garden if she wanted to feel fresh air. She also feed all the fish in the pool. Hyun Bin see Ye Jin sit alone, start to walk toward her..

'What are you doing??' Hyun Bin smile and sit beside her

'Nothing. I just sit and stare blankly like this.. ' Shin hye also smile

'May I joint you?? I saw you sit alone. ' Hyun Bin ask and chuckle

'You always teased me right?? You already join me but still want to ask. ' Ye Jin pout to Hyun Bin

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