Dirty Plan

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Song Hye Kyo walk out from her bathroom. Her face so angry. She lower her gaze and look at her hand. She's been holding pregnancy test since half an hour ago. It is show 2 lines…

'Aish! I really hate this thing happened! This is my 3rd time! Previously, when I trying to get abortion , too pain indeed! Like hell..! This time, I must keep the baby, for my life. But who's the Appa of my baby?? Jong Hyun??Ahni.. Shin Woo oppa?? I can’t remember… too many guys slept with me! If Appa know about this, I’m really sure he get mad and will drive me out from house. Ottokeh??’ Hye Kyo get panic when thought about her pregnancy

Hye Kyo lying down on her bed and looking at her surrounding. She get up from her bed and grab some cigarrete from handbag. She feel so tension, so she need something to release her tension, with smoking….


Someone hit Hye Kyo door room. She look at her door, her eomma walking toward her. Her eomma get shocked when saw Hye Kyo smoking! She grab the cigarrete but Hye Kyo refuse and grab back

‘Hye Kyo-ah! Aigooo! Why you smoking at your room! ‘ her eomma yell

‘Eomma! Shut up!  Why you yell loudly like that?? You want Appa know??’ Hye Kyo wishpered at her eomma

‘Wae?? Eomma know, you have a problem right?tell Eomma now!’

Hye Kyo just sigh… She still thinking want to tell her eomma or not

‘I got pregnant. I don’t know Appa of the baby..’ Hye Kyo answered with a poker face

‘Mwoooo!! Yah! Hye Kyo-ah! This is your 3rd time! You will die if you abort your pregnancy! I told you before, try to change your life style, but you didn’t hear my advice!  ‘ her eomma get shocked and mad!

‘Araaa... Thats why I want to keep this baby…’ Hye Kyo tell her eomma

‘Chugulle????! Appa will drive Eomma and you out from this house…!’ Hye Kyo eomma get panic

‘Eomma, don’t let appa know about this…! If I get marry with Hyun Bin, my problem will settle. But Hyun Bin married with poor and a slut girl! How dare that girl snatch my Bin! ‘ Hye Kyo hit the table with a mad emotion…

‘Ne, Eomma hate that girl also. Ye Jin just a poor girl..like a slut!  At first, Hyun Bin parents agreed and want Bin marry with you, but at last, Bin said he has his own choice..’ Hye Kyo eomma support her with fact

‘Don’t worry Eomma, I will snatch Bin back from her. And I will make Hyun Bin marriage ruin after this. Just wait and see what I want to do. Watch out Son Ye Jin………..!’ Hye Kyo cross her arm and smirk


Preview next chapter

Ye Jin standing and get ready to change her dress. She walk into the bathroom. Hyun Bin feel a bit disappointed. Few minutes later, she out from bathroom and get ready to meet Hae In. Ye Jin smile to him before leave. Hyun Bin clench his jaw and his heart feel strong jealous when imagining about Ye Jin and Hae In will meet..
Please stay tune!
xoxoxoxo 🐰🌼

- Hyun Ayumu -

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