Honeymoon plan and Jealousy

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Now, a month for their contract marriage...

As usual, Ye Jin always woke up early. After taking bath, she decide want to get down and go to the kitchen before breakfast. Hyun Bin will take his turn when Ye Jin out from their room. At the moment she down from the stairs, she can see Hyun Bin's sister, Yoona study some subject at living room..

'Good morning Yoona-ah! What are you doing?? ' Ye Jin sit beside Yoona and look at her

'Eonni! Morning! I have a lot of assignment now....I hate this subject!' Yoona whine to Ye Jin

'What subject you have to do??' Ye Jin asked

'Accounting. Eonni, do you know about account subject?? Can you help me a little bit. There's a some questions make me confuse about the formula...' Yoona begging

Ye Jin fell silent for a while, then she agreed to teach Yoona. Yoona very happy. Ye Jin teach and help Yoona until her assignment finish.

'Gomawo eonni! Wahh... you're so intelligent about account subject! Why you not telling me you really ace for this. If I know early, I will make eonni my seonsengnim! Hehehe . Which university Eonni studied before??' Yoona compliment Ye Jin and ask her some question

'Eonni studied at Chung-An University, Bachelor of Accounting....' Ye Jin just reply with a simple answer

'Mwooooo??! Bachelor of Accounting??! Eonnie, you're intelligent indeed! Daebak!' Yoona get shocked when heard about Ye Jin

Someone heard their whole conversations just now. It is Hyun Bin. He just standing behind the wall. Hyun Bin also get shocked, his wife intelligent indeed! The way she taught Yoona, Hyun Bin know Ye Jin is professional about accounting subject. He get down from the stairs, Ye Jin and Yoona look at him..

'Oppa, why you not telling me Ye Jin eonni really good an accounting??' Yoona pout at her brother

'Oppa don't want Ye Jin eonni brag herself, that's why oppa didn't tell you...' Hyun Bin smirk at Ye Jin and smile to Yoona

'Mwoo?! ' Ye Jin shout and hit Hyun Bin arm

'Aish,apaa! Yah, honey.. why you hit hubby?? Is it true right, honey really like when someone compliment about your ability, so that's why hubby didn't tell Yoona....' Hyun Bin laugh a loud

Ye Jin POV
OMG! Honey, Hubby! Yah, Hyun Bin! Michegeosso? How dare you embarrasse me in front of your sister...

Ye Jin just pout and glare when Hyun Bin critics her. Yoona laugh with Ye Jin action. Hyun Bin pull Ye Jin in his embrace. Ye Jin eyes widen and want to avoid Hyun Bin body but Yoona watch them. Slowly Hyun Bin wishper at Ye Jin ear..

'My sweet honey, why you didn't tell me about your bachelor before this. Our marriage will ruin if we not recognize well each other. Don't you dare to do like this anymore.. Arasso??' Hyun Bin smirk to her

Ye Jin bit her lips and stay silent. She swallow her salive when heard Hyun Bin words. Her heartbeat fast when Hyun Bin hug her tight. She get blushed! Hyun Bin words like a warn. Ye Jin also wishper back

'Its your fault! You didn't ask me...' Ye Jin replied

Yoona who didn't know that her oppa and Ye Jin have their battle wishper when hugging. Yoona chuckle when see sweet moment Hyun Bin and Ye Jin

'Ehem! Oppa,eonni! If you wanna hug for a long time, please get a room! You can do more than this. Kekekeke!~ ' Yoona tease them

Ye Jin release her body from Hyun Bin...she feel shy when Yoona teased them. Hyun Bin who feel awkward just smile and hold Ye Jin hand. Ye Jin get irritated with Hyun Bin fake scene...

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