Worse first night ever

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Ye Jin and Hyun Bin's cousins having a chatty moments. All girls talk. She feel happy, many of them  were nice to her and gladly sharing to her about Hyun Bin childhood stories until now..

Hyun Bin walk slowly and lean closer to Ye Jin, his wife. He sit beside her. Ye Jin feel irritating with Hyun Bin but still can smile because all his cousins infront of them.

'Honey, Appa want to meet us. Come, lets go together with hubby' Hyun Bin tell Ye Jin and he put his hand on Ye Jin's lap

Ye Jin POV
Yah! Why you put your hand on my lap! Aish....  I let you once this time Bin, because your family in front of me. What?? Honey? Hubby??! yarks!

Ye Jin want to refuse with Hyun Bin, but her head just nodded in front him. Hyun Bin smile when Ye Jin agreed with him. He held Ye Jin hand and they walk together to meet his Appa

At garden...

'Ye Jin-ah, Bin told Appa,  you want to move another house. Cincha?? Wae? Appa feel sad, you and Bin just got married today. Why you don't want to wait for another day??' Mr. Hyun said to Ye Jin. His face looked sad

Ye Jin POV
How dare you Bin! Why you said to Appa about move another house is my plan??!

'Nae, Appa. I want move from here because my school far from our house. So, I feel bit tired when I travel back and forth from work.'

Ye Jin give fake reason to Mr. Hyun. She glare at Hyun Bin, her husband just quiet and sit still beside her. He don't want to help Ye Jin

Hyun Bin POV
Haha...work? Even Ye Jin is my wife now, I don't even know where and which school she's working now. I dont want to help you Ye Jin. Your plan right, now you answer Appa question for me.

Hyun Bin smile alone

'If you feel far, you can ask Bin sent you to work everyday. Bin is your husband now right?? If not, why not you just resign from your work? Let Bin support you from now on. Appa want Ye Jin and Bin stay with us. Eomma will be sad too if she know about this.' Mr. Hyun begging his daughter in-law

Ye Jin heart fluttered when see her father in-law begging to her. Lastly, she agreed to stay with them

'Nae, Appa. Miane. I will stay at this house..  Appa, don't be sad like that.' Ye Jin held Mr. Hyun hand

Mr. Hyun satisfied because finally Ye Jin agreed with him. Ye Jin started to feel Mr. Hyun as her own Appa , she begin to love Mr. Hyun. Her father in-law treat her like his own daughter

Suddenly, Mrs. Hyun come and join them. She sit beside Mr. Hyun...

'Yeobo, what are you talking about with our child?? ' Mrs. Hyun asked

'Aniyo, I just advice them about marriage. ' Mr. Hyun replied

He don't want his wife know about their conversation just now..

'I feel happy now yeobo. Bin got married with Ye Jin. Ye Jin-ah, you look so beautiful! Eomma neomu haengbokkhe ' Mrs. Hyun compliment Ye Jin

Ye Jin get blushed when Mrs. Hyun compliment about her beauty

'Bin-ah, Ye Jin-ah.. When both of you want to give grandchild to us??' suddenly Mrs Hyun asked

'Mwooo??! ' Hyun Bin and Ye Jin shout at the same time

'Eomma, we just got married today. Why you ask about this?? Ye Jin still busy with her work...' Hyun Bin said and glare at Ye Jin

'Aniyo Eomma, I'm not busy at all. Bin dont want get a child early.. That's why he say like that.' Ye Jin revenge to Hyun Bin because he let his appa know about her plan before this. Ye Jin smirk and smile to Hyun Bin

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