Honeymoon and Confession 2

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That night Ye Jin couldn't get sleep. She just closed her eyes. Ye Jin having a thought about Hae In. Now Hae In is going undergo operation. Ye Jin feel relieved, finally Hae In get the best treatment. A big thanks to Hyun Bin because he really gave her a lot of money for Hae In treatment.


Before Ye Jin and Hyun Bin go to honeymoon, Ye Jin went to the bank. She want to change cash for the cheque that Hyun Bin  gave her before this. Unfortunately, an accountant staff on duty that day was Hye Kyo! Hye Kyo gave smirk to her. Ye Jin ignored Hye Kyo act

‘Wow! 300 000 000 won! From Hyun Bin primary account. Your marriage still early but he give you a lot of money. You make me curious Son Ye Jin ssi!’ Ye Jin get annoyed the way Hye Kyo talked to her

‘Hyun Bin give me money because he want to donate for my friend. My friend was sick’ Ye Jin just give a simple answer

‘Do you think I will believe from what you said?? You married with Hyun Bin because of money! Such a slut! I know, you come from poor family!’ Hye Kyo bash Ye Jin

Ye Jin try to avoid burst some angry to her. She don’t want to fight with silly people.

‘So what?? Hyun Bin is my husband. Now, what do you want to do?? Fact, Hyun Bin choosed me, not you!’ Ye Jin replied and take the money from Hye Kyo

Ye Jin quickly out from the bank, but before she walk out, Hye Kyo shout..

‘I swear, I will steal Hyun Bin from you! Such a slut! Son of bitch!’ Hye Kyo angry

Ye Jin don’t want to cry. She don’t want Hye Kyo see her weakness…

End flashback

Ye Jin sigh. Hye Kyo is true. She came from poor family, or the true is she just alone in the world without any family. When she is in high school, many people said her parents didn’t married when got her. They always called her son of bitch.

Ye Jin burst some tears. She don’t want Hyun Bin and his family ashame because of her. Ye Jin get up and sit beside Hyun Bin . She look at Hyun Bin who sleep at the sofa..

Ye Jin POV
'Bin, you’ve fallen to the wrong person.. '


Hyun Bin  swallow his saliva. He cares his nape.  There's a lot of brand in front of him now. Which brand he need to choose?? What size?? Oh my god! Hyun Bin want to back early but his mind still blur. His princess is waiting for him.  Hyun Bin try to remind what Ye Jin said to him before he go out..

Early in the morning...

Ye Jin come out from bathroom. She press her stomach and her face look in terrible pain. Hyun Bin get Ye Jin and help her walk to the bed. Hyun Bin start to worry

‘Honey, what happen to you?? No appo??’ Hyun Bin touch Ye Jin stomach . He massage Ye Jin stomach slowly to relieve her pain..

Ye Jin push Hyun Bin hand. Her face feel hot when Hyun Bin touch her stomach indirectly.

‘Aniyo, just a little pain. ’ Ye Jin bite her lips

‘Tell me now! You make hubby worried!' Hyun Bin scared when Ye Jin face sweating alot

Ye Jin still can't get used to when Hyun Bin use endearment for them. He called himself hubby and honey for herself.

‘Araaa…can you help me buy some white bread??’ Ye Jin asked

‘Mwo?? White bread?? For what ?? Honey,  you’re in pain, but you want me buy white bread? ‘ Hyun Bin confused

Ye Jin get mad with Hyun Bin silliness..

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