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Ye Jin and Hyun Bin arrived at airport that night. They just wear a simple dress code.

Ye Jin wear blue skirt with black turtle neck while Hyun Bin wear black shirt with grey sweater. Ye Jin inform to Hyun Bin that she want to call her eomma. Hyun Bin just nodded

She move to another side , not too far from Hyun Bin . Hyun Bin still can see her from their seat

'Yeoboseyyo?? Eomma! Jaljenaesseyo?' Ye Jin greet her eomma

'Ne, Ye Jin-ah?! Jaeljene... Eomma missed my daughter so much!' Ye Jin eomma happy when heard her voice

'Na do..nomu,nomu,nomu bogo shippoyo...' Ye Jin smile

'Arasso..but now, you have Hyun Bin. Eomma know , you miss Bin more than eomma right??hehe' Mrs. Son tease her

'Eomma!!' Ye Jin pout

'Aigoo.. My daughter still cute! Ye Jin-ah, let's stop our call now. Eomma don't want you pay more money for long distance call.' Mrs. Son said

Ye Jin just agreed with her eomma. Mrs. Son asked Ye Jin sent regard to her son in-law , Hyun Bin. Ye Jin promise she will say it to him..

After their calling ended, Ye Jin walk toward their luggage. Hyun Bin seems not around. Ye Jin just sit and wait for Hyun Bin . Maybe he go to buy something.

'Honey!' Ye Jin turn behind and see Hyun Bin with his charming smile. Hyun Bin hold small beautiful blue box in his hand

'Hubby bought this special for you. I hope you like my gift...' Hyun Bin hand out the gift to Ye Jin

Ye Jin take the blue box from Hyun Bin , but she just stare without open it

'Honey, what are you waiting for? Please open it . Hubby pretty sure , honey will love this gift' Hyun Bin feel excited

'I will open it later. Let's check in now' Ye Jin just put Hyun Bin gift at her side luggage.

Hyun Bin smile fade and bitter. His face change when Ye Jin said like that. His heart a little bit pain when Ye Jin ignore his gift. Hyun Bin stand and push the troly silently..


Preview Next Chapter :

'Bin, gomawo. I really like it. No need to buy an expensive stuff like this. It will make me difficult and sad when I want to separate with you in the future.' Ye Jin said

Hyun Bin hug Ye Jin tightly. He just smile

'This is one of my plan to make you falling in love to me. Hubby will never leave you honey, and Hubby will never let you go! That's my promise.' Hyun Bin hand caress Ye Jin face and he press his lips with her. He give her sweet kiss, slow and steady. But his kiss become more intense! Ye Jin can't control herself from kiss him back. Ye Jin hand hug Hyun Bin neck, allow him to give more hot kiss to her .

Hyun Bin caress her arm, Ye Jin can't hide her moan. He feel turn on upon hearing Ye Jin moan. They broke the kiss to grasp some air..


Just a short chapter from me 😸
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- Hyun Ayumu -

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