Story of Us

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That morning Hyun Bin went to his office. This is his comeback after wedding. All the staff greet him. Hyun Bin look dashing with his new suit. He enter his room with his secretary..

'Morning Hyun Bin-ssi.. ' his secretary, Min Ah greet him

'Morning Min, how about my schedule today..??' Hyun Bin asked her

'Hyun Bin-ssi, you look so happy this morning. why??' Min Ah answered with different question

Hyun Bin laugh

'Min Ah-ssi, I asked you about my schedule, not about other things...' Hyun Bin smile to her

Min Ah get blushed when Hyun Bin reprimand her...

Min Ah open her tab 'I'm sorry Hyun Bin-ssi hehe... Today, you just have one meeting with our client. Then, this evening you have to meet Seon Ho-ssi and Jae Wook-ssi at Seoul Mega Mall. They want you play bowling with them...' Min Ah inform him

'Mwo?? hahaha... Min Ah-ssi, why you wrote that things in your tab??' He not believe because Min Ah take note personal things in her tab

'Seon Ho-ssi want me take note this in my tab. He said, he dont want you forget about the bowling....' Min Ah explained

'Arasso... Thanks for the informations. You can leave now. ' Hyun Bin said

Min Ah bow to him and open the door, upon the door is open, Seon Ho and Jae Wook scramble each other want to go in Hyun Bin's room. Min Ah let them in, and she closed the door. Now, Seon Ho and Jae Wook sit infront of Hyun Bin

'Hyung! how are you today?? wahhh... newly married couple seems happy today! Any good news?? kekeke~ ' Seon Ho tease him, Jae Wook burst his laugh with Seon Ho question

Seon Ho and Jae Wook knew about marriage contract between Hyun Bin with Ye Jin. They are Hyun Bin's friends and his officemates.  They really closed together like a family

'Aniya! Never gonna be happen to us! We're still like this. Ye Jin and me have our own path.' Hyun Bin replied casually

'Are you sure Hyung?? Ye Jin eonni so beautiful! Goddess indeed! Do you not fall in love with her??' Jae Wook also asked

Hyun Bin shook his head to them

'No,no,no.... My love only for Kang Sora! I dont want any woman replace her place in my heart....' Hyun Bin voice turn to sad

'But Hyung, She's died long ago! Why you dont understand and grab the chance. Ye Jin eonni now is your wife! You can make her fallen to you Hyung...' Seon Ho persuade him

'Lets drop this story for a while.... I dont want my happy morning ruin because of this. So, Seon Ho.. How's Woori?? Hyun Bin ask him

Seon Ho smile widely and showing his deep dimples like Hyun Bin. Hyun Bin asked him about Woori, his wife.

'Woori now got pregnant for 2 months! I will be a Appa! hehe....' Seon Ho face become bright

'Chincha???' Jae Wook and Hyun Bin get shocked

'Chukae Seon Ho-ah! How about our plan this evening?? Are you still want to play bowling?? Woori don't get mad right??' Hyun Bin teased Seon Ho

'Aish Hyung.. Dont ask Seon Ho like that. We scared, Ye Jin eonni will restrain your legs because dont want you go to anywhere. Well, new loving couple right~ kekekeke..' Jae Wook back up Seon Ho

'Hahaha! We'll see! Who restrain whom...' Hyun Bin smirk and tap Seon Ho and Jae Wook shoulder


Kang Sora sit near the window at Gangnam restaurant. She waiting for Hyun Bin. Hyun Bin and Sora is a lovely couple for almost 1 year. They studied together at Chung-An University. Jae Wook and Seon Ho also their buddy. Sora ordered some drink while waiting Hyun Bin to come.

Hyun Bin run fast because he's late to meet Sora....

'Owh God, I hope Sora dont get mad...' Hyun Bin pray inside his heart

Finally Hyun Bin arrived at the restaurant, and look around to find Kang Sora. He smile when see Sora sit alone nearest the window. He walk slowly forward Sora, then he put his hand at Sora eyes. Sora get panic!

'Yahhh! Nuguya! I cant see anything!' Sora try to pull Hyun Bin hands

Hyun Bin released his hand, Sora turn her head and look behind... Hyun Bin smile pricelessly to her

'Bin-ah! Why you did like that! My heart get shocked!' Sora pout to him

Hyun Bin get the chair and sit beside her

'Miane Jagiya.... I just want to tease you..hehe' Hyun Bin held Sora hand, want to persuade his jagiya

'Ne, I forgive you. Let's forget about this. Now, what's  your plan for today??' Sora smile to him

'Mwolla.. Depend on you. If you want me bring you somewhere, I just follow your wishes. Your wishes is my command baby.. ' Hyun Bin stare at Sora eyes

Hyun Bin always feel excited when Sora around him. Sora is a cute girl! Her style up to date, her kindness attitude make Hyun Bin fall for her more. Moreover, Sora has a good heart indeed. Hyun Bin can feel his love for Sora increase day by day

'Today, I just want we spend time together. Just two of us. I dont know, I feel like I don't  have to much time with you...' Sora smile weakly to him

'Why you says like that?? Where you want to go?? Jagiya, I don't want you say anything nonsense! I will stay with you forever..' Hyun Bin cares both of Sora cheeks

'Ne.. Araa.. Let's go somewhere Bin. ' Sora smile

'Ne.. Anything for you my jagiya. But now, I want rent some car for us. We can go anywhere if we have a car...' Hyun Bin dial some number and ask about car rental

Hyun Bin parent's can afford for him and other siblings like car and more money. But Mr Hyun and Mrs Hyun want them independent by their ownself if they want to get something..

That day, Hyun Bin and Sora had some sweet moments together. They went to amusement park and sightseeing around. Unexpectedly, when they enjoyed beautiful scenery on their car, 1 big lorry in hurry and can't see them in blind spot. Their car got hit and Sora died at accident site! Hyun Bin can't accept the fact, Sora DIED!

He cry heavily at hospital floor and shout Sora name......



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- Hyun Ayumu -

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