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Ye Jin arrived at her home. Her eomma hug her when she arrived. ( Ye Jin has an adopted mother) She inform her eomma, she want get marry with someone. His name is Hyun Bin

'You want get married?? Are sure my dear?? I dont want any of guy hurt your heart. Mrs. Son held Ye Jin hand..

'Dont worry eomma. We just prepare all the things. I will get marry next week.' Ye Jin  explained to her eomma

'Mwoo??! To early!  Arasso, I hope you will happy with your own choice uri ddal. I give you my bless. Lets meet your future husband after this. '

Ye Jin hug her eomma tight and say thank you because agreed with her marriage.

'Gomawo eomma, saranghae. '


Ye Jin wear a beautiful lace wedding gown with her hair get curl. Meanwhile Hyun Bin appear handsome with black tuxedo. Hyun's family gather at hall, they really have alot of cousins and another Hyun's generations. From Ye Jin side only 3 people present on her wedding, her eomma Mrs Son, Hyo Jin and her samchoon.

Ye Jin walking down the aisle with her samchoon . Her samchoon smile to Hyun Bin and give Ye Jin's hand to him. Ye Jin slide her hand on Hyun Bin' arm. Both of them smile to each other. After Ye Jin and Hyun Bin read their vow, the priest want them seal kiss with each other. Ye Jin feel shiver because she doesn't have any experience about kiss. Suddenly, Hyun Bin held Ye Jin nape and whishper 'May I?'

Ye Jin face turn to red and she slowly give her permission to Hyun Bin. He lean closer and give her sweet kiss ever.

All the audiences clapped their hands for the marriage. Ye Jin adopted mother, Mrs. Son cry and hope her daughter happy with her marriage. Hyo Jin hold Ye Jin eomma and feel happy for them. Many guest compliment Ye Jin and Hyun Bin together. They look so sweet and match from heaven. Ye Jin act nicely in front of Hyun's family, and their cousins. Hyun Bin hold Ye Jin hand, and introduce her to his big family tree.

‘Ye Jin is a good actress! Even my family not realize our contract marriage. Finally, I can feel relieve now, because I got married with her, not Hye Kyo. Thanks Ye Jin…’ Hyun Bin thought

From another side, Hyun Bin’s parents watching Hyun Bin and Ye Jin with another guest. Hyun Bin eomma, feel happy for her son, but still sad because Hyun Bin not married with Hye Kyo…

‘Yeobo, I feel happy, because finally our son, Bin get married.  Our daughter in-law so beautiful.. They look match and sweet together.’ Mrs. Hyun said to her husband

‘Nae, Ye Jin looked beautiful just like you when you were young before ’ Mr Hyun replied

Mrs. Hyun pout to Mr. Hyun ’So, now.. I'm not beautiful for you??’ Mrs. Hyun asked

‘Aigoo, yeobo.. Of course you still beautiful for me. Don’t pout like that. I love you yeobo..hehe’ Mr. Hyun just teased Mrs. Hyun

Mrs. Hyun smile and hold her husband hand tight. ’But I still sad, because I want Hyun Bin with Hye Kyo. ' mrs.jung said

'MWo?? Andwe! I like our daughter in-law much more than your friend daughter like Hye Kyo.’ Mr. Hyun disagree when his wife want Hyun Bin with Hye Kyo....

Mr. Hyun arrange some party for Hyun Bin and Ye Jin marriage at their house. Many friends, cousins, and officemates come to celebrate their wedding. Ye Jin get tired because a lot of Hyun Bin cousin want to meet and try to be friends with her. Slowly she ask permission to leave and go their room. She want to change her dress..

Ye Jin wash up and change her dress in the toilet because she scare Hyun Bin will enter the room. She dont want Hyun Bin see any of her beautiful body. When she step out from toilet, Hyun Bin enter their room..

'Bin, I want you inform your parents about move to another house. I dont want stay in same room with you. I feel annoying with a lot your cousins. I scared if anyone knows about our contract marriage.' Ye Jin said to Hyun Bin

Hyun Bin lay his body on the bed and just stay quiet with Ye Jin statements . Ye Jin irritated with Hyun Bin action. She get mad

'Hyun Bin!! I asking you about important things!' Ye Jin yell loud to Hyun Bin.

Hyun Bin shocked with Ye Jin voice! He get up from bed fast and cover Ye Jin mouth with his palm

'Yah! Why you yell to me like that! If anyone ask you about us, just answer with your own reason! Dont you ever try to reveal our marriage!' Hyun Bin glare to Ye Jin eyes

Ye Jin burst a few tears because suddenly Hyun Bin rough to her. She push his hand

'Dont you ever to touch me!! Remember my 3rd condition!!' Ye Jin shout to him

Hyun Bin angry slowly resolve when he saw Ye Jin tears. 'I'm sorry Ye Jin-ah.. I didn't mean to do that. Please, we just got married about a few hours ago. Nonsense if I ask permission now from my parents to move another house. '  Hyun Bin persuade Ye Jin

'I dont care, if your family ask about us, just answer with your own reasons.' Ye Jin she'd her tears and go to the toilet again.

Hyun Bin just stay silent. He know, Ye Jin words like a small revenge from his answer to her just now

Hyun Bin POV
Aigoo. Miane Ye Jin-ah. I didn't mean to hurt you. Hyun Bin pabo! She help you a lot, but you being rude to her! What reason should I give to Eomma and Appa??arghhh......


Will his parents allow them to move?
See all of you on the next chapter..
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Hehe ^^

- Hyun Ayumu -

Preview next chapter :

'Bin! Don't you ever dare to touch me! Remember our contract! Stay away! I will shout if you do that to me...!' Ye Jin get scared. She want to shout, but nonsense if all Hyun's family know about them

'Shout?? Haha.. Okay, you can shout now. If eomma ask me, i will say.. Ye Jin dont want give me a baby. ' Hyun Bin smirk. Ye Jin want to cry....

She run to the wall and beg Hyun Bin not to lean closer. Hyun Bin ignore Ye Jin begging. He grab Ye Jin nape, and Ye Jin started to shout and cry heavily!


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