Chapter 1

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Hogwarts was considered a second home to many of its' students, but Sophie Verilia considered it her first. Sophie's home life was far from perfect. Her mother died when she was young, so young that she doesn't remember her mother. Her mother's death devastated her father, and he became a shell of the man he once was. Sophie hated being around him due to the constant smell of Bourban and the incessant belittling. Hogwarts was an escape from it all and she thanked Merlin every day for it.

Sophie sat in the library with books piled high and four half finished papers. She let out a long sigh and dropped her face into her hands. At this rate she'd be in the library all night. She lifted her head up and collapsed her hands into her lap. She began twiddling with the silver and blue ring wrapped around her left ring finger. Fred Weasley had proposed to her three months prior. She was delighted by the proposal and hadn't taken the ring off since. The proposal was rushed and sloppy, but it was organic and raw and she couldn't wait to marry him once school was through. She twirled the ring around her finger and blankly stared at her potions essay wondering what element she was missing.


Someone grabbed Sophie's shoulders and shook her slightly, causing her to jump. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw it was Fred. He lightly rubbed her back and took a seat across from her.

"I thought I might find you here." He said grabbing a book off the pile and flipping to a random page while putting his feet up on the desk and tilting back in his chair.

"I've got so much to do tonight. I honestly have no idea how I'm going to finish." Sophie said with wide eyes and her hands on her head as she stared at the cluttered pile.

"Need help?" Fred asked still flipping through pages raising one brow.

Sophie scoffed as a smile crept upon her lips. She dropped her hands to the desk and folded them and leaned forward slightly.

"Fred Weasley? Help? With homework? I truly never thought I'd see the day." A wicked smirk formed on her lips.

Fred jolted forward lifting his feet from the table, slamming the book, and placing it on the table. "You know, sometimes I'm nice," Fred grabbed Sophie's hands and leaned across the table as if he was going to kiss her, "but I think I take back my offer." Fred pulled back quickly and stood up.

"Oh boo, you're no fun." Sophie stuck her tongue out and crossed her arms.

"Oh I'm plenty fun." Fred winked and placed his hands on her shoulders and gave Sophie a kiss on the cheek. "I have to be off anyways, I've got a study appointment."

Sophie shifted nervously in her seat and her smile faded from her lips. "With who?" She asked avoiding his eyes.

Fred let out a heavy breath. "Come on. Don't do this."

"I just want to know who." Sophie shrugged and a slight frown began to crease in her eyebrows.

"Angelina." Fred answered flatly standing up straight.

"Gee, I wonder why you didn't want to tell me." Sophie scoffed and rolled her eyes.

Fred rolled his eyes in response and took a step back while folding his arms. "Your reaction is exactly why I didn't want to tell you."

"I'm only reacting this way, because you're acting really shady." Sophie said finally looking up at him.

"I'm acting shady?!" Fred asked in disbelief. He paused for a moment and closed his eyes. After a deep breath he spoke again. "I'm going to be late. Can we talk about this later?"

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