Chapter 6: Sure Thing

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*Warning-Mention of drugs and sexual assault in this chapter

Even when the sky comes falling

Even when the sun don't shine
I got faith in you and I
So put your pretty little hand in mine
Even when we're down to the wire baby
Even when it's do or die
We could do it baby, simple and plain
'Cause this love is a sure thing

Matisse POV -Five days later :

After a grilling series, the sixers pulled ahead to win it all in game seven. Back now in Philly, the team had a few days before they played against Brooklyn. Matisse was excited that in his second year in the league that he was going to the Eastern Conference finals with his brothers. He and Casey had spent as much time together as they could when he wasn't playing. He learned that Casey was a math wiz and that she could sing. Like really sing. He caught her once in the shower when she thought he was still asleep/ He showed her how to work his camera and how to edit videos. They had spent time cuddling and watching movies. Casey loved anything Disney while Matisse wanted to watch action movies. It had only been a few days, but it felt like they had been talking for months. Matisse wondered if they were moving to fast, if he was falling for her to soon. But every time she smiled at him, the thought went away. He was hoping that Casey would be working the EFC games but she found out at the last minute that she was being switched to the Suns/Jazz series. Matisse was with her when she found out. He tried not to be disappointed so he could be strong for them, but it was hard. He was going to miss her alot.  They had one night  before Casey was on the west coast for a few weeks. Matisse decided to plan a special night for them, but he didn't know what to do. Breaking his train of thought was Tobias calling. 

"What up Tisse?" "Nothing much man. Trying to think of something to do tonight." "Wanna hang? Watch some film?" "Not with you idiot! With Casey. She leaves to cover the western conference finals in the morning." "Ohhhhh okay. It's nice out. Why not a picnic?" "Tobias, I owe you. Thank you. Gotta go!" "Dang man alre..." *Click*

Matisse didn't have much time to waste. He grabbed his keys, his overnight bag, and rushed out the door. He was a man on a mission.

Casey POV:

Casey was in the process of packing when Matisse texted her to be ready in an hour but to dress comfy. She giggled at her phone. Whatever Matisse was planning, he was super excited about it. She was pissed that she was switched to the Suns/Jazz series. It meant possibly two weeks away from Tisse and she was starting to get separation anxiety. Tisse promised that he would facetime her every night and text her when he wasn't busy, but she was still a little bummed that she had to watch him from afar. Get use to it Casey. This is what it's going to be like during football season. Casey already knew she would be gone every week for College Football season but it was a much more consistent schedule than the NBA playoffs. She could see Tisse the early part of the week before leaving on Thursdays to go where the game was that week. She also had a week off for Louisville's Alumni weekend which is also when she would have her celebration ceremony and receive her NCA and Worlds rings. If things kept going so well, she was going to ask Matisse to come with her. Casey finished packing and changed into a pair of denim mom shorts and a old Louisville cheer shirt. Matisse was going to be a sweetheart and take her to the airport in the morning, so he was coming to spend the night with her. She threw her hair up into a messy bun when her doorbell rang. There in the door stood Matisse wearing a white red bull T-shirt, black nike shorts and his signature smile. God how she loved that smile of his. She reached her arms out to him as he stepped forward to wrap her in a giant hug. "Hi baby! Ready to go? I can't wait to tell you what we're doing tonight!"  Her heart always fluttered when Matisse got excited over something, like when he was teaching her how to use his camera. That night had been fun. It was their last night in Atlanta in her amazing hotel room. Let's just say, Casey hoped those photos never got out. ;) She grabbed Matisse's hand as he lead her to the top of her apartment building. She was confused until she saw the picnic he laid out for them. "Matisse! Baby! You did all of this for me?" She grabbed his face and gave him a kiss on the lips. In the midst of all their conversations, Matisse had taken note of all her favorite foods, Lasagna, Salad, Gummy Bears with Raspberry Lemonade. He'd also gotten some snacks from WaWa which he was obsessed with. She noticed he also had a bottle of red wine chilling in a bucket which was sweet as Matisse wasn't much of a drinker. "I know it's only going to be two weeks, but I wanted this night with you to be memorable. I'm really going to miss you. But it also gives me more fuel to help us win and make the finals so we can spend more time together." Casey was already told she was working the NBA finals. It would be more time they could spend together before the Olympics in Tokyo, as Matisse was planning on playing for the Australian team.  Matisse pulled Casey into his lap as they ate dinner. Casey tried not to think about how she and Tisse were going to be apart. She also had something else on her mind. She had gotten a message from her dad that had her a bit emotional. Matisse could sense that she was getting sad, so he would throw a gummy bear at her or make a corny joke to make her laugh. When she wasn't looking, Matisse would snap a picture of her, which made her laugh even more because he was not subtle with it at all. They cuddled as the sun started to set, soaking in the sunset. It was a perfect night. "Tisse?" "Yes love?" "Can I ask you something?" "What's up?" "What was your mom like?"

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