Part 1

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"Rishabh.. are u asleep beta?"

"Huh! No.. no Dadi... Thanks for the massage"

Rishabh says as he gets up.

"I think I should leave now"

His Dadi smiles at him... "Sure beta... You look tired"

"Rishabh you dont need to come here daily. You may

sleep if you are tired"

"No Dadi You are the only reason I come back to this


"Its your home Rishabh" Dadi reminded him politely.

Rishabh gives her a smile and leaves.

Rishabh is standing at the window looking at the night

sky through his whole glass wall. His room was full of

luxury. He had everything in his room. He could look at

the beauty of his room but never able to see it. He felt

his room incomplete as his inner self. He knew he was

running a successful business. People bowed in front of

him out of fear and respect. At the age of 29, there were

very less people as successful as him. Girls were ready

to fall at just a glance of his. He was an eminent

personality in his social circle.

Yet there was nothing that Rishabh could smile for. He

knew he was rich and he could buy all the happiness

but he found out that his happiness was not for sale.

Every night he came home and went to Dadi's room.

Dadi was the only one who cared for him in the whole

house. Yes house, he could never call it his home

though Dadi reminded him everyday. How could he call

this place his home where he has to face people whom

he hated the most everyday. Dadi was the only for

whom he returned to this place otherwise he could have

easily moved out. Every night she massaged his hair

and he felt content though never satisfied.

Rishabh slept off that night again with a turmoil in his

heart. He himself didnt understand what he wanted.

Rishabh woke up the next morning with a strange

feeling. He felt light. He couldnt understand why he flet

that something was going to change. Maybe he will find

his happiness atlast. Then he suddenly shoved those

thoughts off his mind. He got dressed and called


"Bittuji where are you?"

"Chief... waiting outside for you. We would go to office

first. You may have your breakfast then we have a

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