Chapter five.

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He slowly pulled away and let out a satisfied sigh throwing himself back on the bed "You're mine and don't you forget it " he said turning off his light leaving the both of us in complete darkness .

I laid there for a while in shock , I slowly raised my hands to my lips and smiled "wow" I said barely above a whisper

"Go to sleep Afropuff " Roc groaned and shifted to his side , but I could hear the smile in his voice

I rolled over and shut my eyes , I guess miracles do happen


"Psstt Mr.August " someone whispered into my ear , sending chills down my back . My eyes immediately snapped open only to come face to face with Roc , he smiled and pecked my lips "Morning sleepy head , I'm about to go out "

I rubbed my eyes and took in his appearance, god how do you wake up so early and still manage to look this good ?

"Uh okay " I stuttered before yawning

Roc let out a soft chuckle and headed towards the bathroom .

I heard something vibrate to the side of me and noticed it was Roc's phone . Eh it wouldn't hurt to take a look right ? I pulled up the new message , it was from a girl name 'Bria' it read :

'Roc come on I'm ready for you daddy '

I felt tears instantly brim the edge of my eyes , wow , just last night he was getting upset at me for kissing Jamie BUT here he is going to fuck a girl

Just then as if on cue , he walked right out the bathroom door. He came over and snatched his phone out my hands "What are you doing ?"

"Oh nothing just trying to see where my boyfriend is going at 9 in the morning , only to find he's going to cheat " I shot back , mumbling the last part

He grabbed my collar and pulled me to his face "I'm not your boyfriend alright ? You're mine but we're not together. " he growled in my ear "Understood ?" he asked through clenched teeth

I nodded rapidly , and with that he snatched his phone up off the bed and stormed out the door slamming it in the process

So he wants to play hard ball , well we can play ....

"So you wanted to talk superstar " Jamie said as we walked through the park with ice cream, laughing and holding hands. I bet to anyone else we'd look like the perfect couple ...

"Yup "

"What about ?" she questioned raising her eyebrow at me once again licking her ice cream

"Us. Me and you " I tried to say nonchalantly "Instead of being Jacob and Jamie , I was thinking we could be Jacob and Jamie " I said motioning my hands between me and her

"Oh " she replied simply

We walked in silence for awhile before she stopped in front of me standing on her tippy toes

I smirked and raised my eyebrow "Anything in particular you want Jamie or ..."

She smirked and leaned in pressing her lips against mines. I wrapped my arms around her waist to pull her closer to me. Don't get me wrong the girl has some lips on her I just hate to feel like I'm using her. 

We pulled away once we heard flashed going off, we looked at each other and ran towards her street. We didn't stop til we got to the block where we always met and split up. I took her hand, and kissed her again "Bye potholes"

"Bye Jake , text me ?"

I just kissed her again and walked away. Don't get too attached Jacob Perez , don't get too attached ...


"That was good baby " she said sliding on some pants

I smirked "I know"

"Conceited much ?" she scoffed

"Naw I just know I got that good stoke game" I said pulling on my jacket, I kissed her on the cheek and left towards my car (Lets just pretend they can drive lol )  

On my way home I saw Prince walking down the street with his head down, smiling at his phone.I blew the horn to get his attention but he was in his own little world. 

I rolled down the window "Aye Prince !" 

He looked up and rolled his eyes "What ?" he answered blandly

I scoffed , the half nigga got some nerve "Get yo ass in the car" I replied 

"I'm okay , I rather walk the other what ?" he looked ahead then back at me "two blocks"

It was my turn to roll my eyes now "Just get in the car damn" 

He ran his fingers through his fro before walking towards the car and hoping in. I looked at him as I started the car and he tried his best to ignore me , so I tapped his shoulder and he STILL ignored me.

He smiled at his phone again before putting his fingers to work, I sighed and looked over at him "Who you texting that got you all smiley and stuff ?" I questioned , jealously flowing through my body

He scoffed and rolled his eyes at me "You should be the last person worried but if you really wanna know .... none of you fucking business" he shot at  me and that was the last thing he said to me the rest of the ride home. I constantly tried to ask him shit about the smart thing he just said to me but he just blew me off like I wasn't even there.

Alright he wanna play the silent game , we'll see about that tonight ....

(Okay uhhh Roc tf you talking bout ? ._. Even I don't know yall honestly lol. BUT here is the awaited chapter even though it's like hella short ... It's just a filler chapter so Chapter 6 will be up soon 

I realize I always say that so I make no promises but I'll try to have it up in a week at the most , anyways I LOVE YOU GUYS HONESTLY ! I'm #447 in teen fiction last time I checked , that's just amazing like I can't thank my readers enough. So enough of my rambling , homework time :// )

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