Chapter One.

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Author's Note : So we have Chapter one :) I hope people are reading , if you like it can you please share it with on like Tumblr or something ? Thanks so onto the chapter 

| Chapter One |

Princeton POV

"Roc you're so funny " she giggled from the other side of him , she was some random girl whose seat was in our row . Of course Roc just had to come sit by her , for a second I actually thought he wanted to sit by me . I was mistaken though as always .

I felt a hand pat my knee and stay there , I looked up the floor and met Roc's eyes "What's wrong ?" he asked sounding generally concerned 

"Nothing " I mumbled , giving him the cold shoulder . I saw his face drop for a minute was he s- sad  ? Couldn't be , he quickly shook it off and regained his posture smiling at the girl . The rest of the flight  he kept glancing over at me , indicating that he didn't believe me and that wasn't the last of the conversation .

I closed my eyes slowing drifting to dreamland , only hearing the faint conversation of Roc and that girl .

"Prince wake up " someone whispered in my ear , I knew who it was instantly Roc . He was so close I could feel his lips on my ear , and his hot breath on my neck causing the hairs to raise up . I tossed around a little before opening my eyes becoming face-to-face with him .

We were only inches apart , and I imagined myself pressing my lips against his . My breath quickened as he backed up , and scratched the back of his head "Wake up we're about to , uh land " with that he turned his attention to his phone .

I sighed and sat up running my fingers through my hair . A vacation is just what I need all I have to do is get through this group vacation and then I'm home free . Don't get my wrong I love the boys , they're my brothers for life . Its just that with everything going on with my feelings towards Roc I think it's best if I go home for a while .

"We'll be landing in 5 minutes " the pilot I'm guessing said over the speaker .

Roc POV 

Prince been acting real weird and stuff lately , and I'm going to get to the bottom of it . I walked into the living room where Keisha was assigning rooms .

"Okay there's only three room , two of you will have to share " she said looking around specifically me and Ray cause if it was ever needed we always bunked together 

"Me and Prince will share " I said , causing Prince to almost choke and Ray looked disappointed . he act like I can only share with him it ain't even that serious .

"O- Okay " she said standing up "So it's settled Prod by himself , Ray by himself , and you two sharing . The rest of us Me , Walter , etc are right across the street . BEHAVE !" she said sternly getting her stuff together .

I picked up my stuff and walked down the hall , seeing all the rooms only had one bed . I randomly picked one and Prince trailed slowly behind me "Is this room okay ?" I asked

He just nodded and pushed the luggage under the bed , he's been giving me the cold shoulder since the plane ride and I wanted to know why .

"Aye afropuff what's up with you bro ?" I said leaning on the wall

"Nothing Roc " he said heading for the door 

I grabbed his arm and pulled him back towards me "Don't feed me that bull Prince " 

"Roc why can't you just let it go " he screamed yanking his arm away and storming out the room .

Whatever's gotten into him needs to leave before I mess up that pretty boy face , it'd be a shame to see such a handsome face like that get messed up .


Did I just call Prince handsome ??!!

It's nothing though ALL of us are good looking right ? I just simply implied that to Prince in that current situation , yeah that sounds good . I don't know what my thoughts and emotions got going on either but I know they BOTH need to figure themselves out QUICK before stuff get REAL on this vacation .

Prince POV

Roc is steady making himself look attractive , we decided to get in the pool . I quickly changed before Roc got in and was out before he started changing .

Prod looked at me funny "Dude what's gotten into you ?"

"Nothing " 

"You can drop the act Prince I know you l-" he cut off his sentence when Roc walked in the room . Every time we went swimming he went shirtless with his swim trunks as did the rest of us , but since I've gotten these feelings for him lately seeing his shirtless body with a towel around his neck sent my hormones into a frenzy . I shifted in my seat and Prodigy noticed , he shrugged it off though as Roc and Ray raced to the pool . I didn't give Prod a chance to finish what he was saying earlier as I took off towards the pool "Beat you there !"

I threw myself in the pool , IT WAS FREEZING ! Prod dived in as I let myself get used to the temperature before swimming over to the boys.

We swam for hours , but I was the first to get out . I wrapped my towel around me and ran to me and Roc's room . I shook my hair out and changed into a pair of gym shorts . I walked out the bathroom seeing Roc sitting on the bed 

"We need to talk "

Author's Note : Ohhh Roc pulled the classic girl move "We need to talk ..."  

I have nothing else to say so thanks for reading :)

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