Chapter Three.

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(A/N : SURPRISE UPDATE ! It is currently 3:48 in Chicago and yes I'm woke , I'm soo happy that people actually like the story. Thanks for reading :)


"I don't know " I said taking a seat on the couch , my mind going in a frenzy but the main thing I was focused on was just hoping Prince doesn't do anything stupid ...

Prince POV

Roc makes it so hard to ignore him god ! I was currently walking down the street , when I came across a tiny little coffee shop , ohhh I can get some tea . I walked in and took a seat and a waitress came over to me "What would you like ?"

"Cup of tea , a little milk and a teaspoon of sugar please " I said taking off my glasses and looking at the tv above me . (A/N : I don't know what they put in tea ...)

We have these four teenage heartthrobs MINDLESS BEHAVIOR , Princeton Prodigy Roc Royal and Ray Ray are on their way to stardom ...

I groaned and tuned out the TV , not that I didn't love MB it's just some days I needed a break ; such as today .

"Here you go sweetheart " the lady said handing me a mug

I grabbed it and smiled "Thank you "

"So what's a superstar like you doing in this little 'ole coffee shop ?" someone called .

At first I thought it was a waiter , but she was nowhere in sight. I turned to my right and noticed a girl , caramel skin pretty eyes nice smile and two dimples .

I smiled and twirled my spoon around in the mug "Oh y'know just tryna get away " I admitted .

"Yeah I know how you feel ..." she said taking a sip of whatever was in her cup "But i have a better place , I go there all the time to get my thoughts together "

I turned to her and raised my eyebrow "Oh really ?" I smirked bringing the warm mug up to my lips.

"Yup , I could show you it if you want ..." she said blushing , avoiding my gaze.

"Sure why not ?"

I could use a good place to think right now , and she was pretty cute. It was obvious Roc wasn't interested in me so why waste time chasing someone ? If they wanted you then they wouldn't be running away , right ?

"Aye superstar , you coming ?"

I snapped outta my thought and saw she was already at the door , I took one more sip of my tea threw a $20 on the counter and ran over to the door .

"So superstar ?" I asked remembering that's what she called me , we had been walking for about a good five minutes. Of course I was tired but she reassured me that it was worth the walk .

"Well you're a superstar aren't you ?" she said smirking .

"I don't know " I said smiling "I'd like to think of myself as more of a rock star " I laughed , which caused her to laugh.

"Nah I think I'll stick with superstar " she said still laughing a little .

I stuck my tongue out at her "Fine potholes " I said laughing and shrugging .

She made a sudden turn into a park , somewhere I'd always pass when I walked by .

"Potholes and superstar eh ? We have horrible nicknames " she said laughing lightly .

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