Chapter Eleven.

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A / N : Another update ?! Whaa ? But here it goes. One more chapter and then the epilouge and then Tmaia will be complete ! Thanks for reading :))

Chapter Eleven

Prince POV

I lazily got up out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I looked at my broken reflection in the mirror, physically and mentally, I was torn.

It had been two weeks since everything happened. Since the love of my life was taken away from me, since my brothers were murdered, since I'd basically seen civilization. The only people I'd kept in touch with was my CLOSE family and Keish and Walt.

Today I agreed to do an interview and I swore after that I wanted EVERYONE to leave me alone.

I didn't want to live anymore, I couldn't even bring myself to take myself to the doctor when I'd punched the glass today a week ago.

There was a knock on the door causing me to snap out of my trance. I went and let Walter in before going back upstairs.

Slowly he came up just as I was putting on Roc's old hoodie. It still held his scent ...

Walter sighed "Prince you know it's best if you try and let go of R-"

I put my hand up "This sweater is the only thing that's gonna get me through this interview so you can save the lecture I've already recieved from my mom fifthteen times" I told him as I brushed past him and out to the car.

Here goes nothing and then finally I can be back in Roc's arms ... at peace.


"Wow it's amazing you can sit here and tell us what was running through your mind at this devastating time, and may we just say our condolences are being sent your way. We know this is a tough time" the interviewer, Eliza said.

I shot them a small smile "Thank you"

"So tell us ... what caused in this 'bloody massacre' ? It all happened so sudden, or atleast to us"

I shook my head "Not really. The emotions that Zonnique- may her soul rest in peace - had held inside had been building up for awhile. But as always things happen behind closed doors"

Eliza nodded in understanding "So you said may her soul RIP ? You don't think she deserves to go to hell ?"

I shook my head "No. I've forgiven her" Everyone around clapped and cheered, but quickly died down "This was kept a secret from the public ... but me and my bandmate Roc ... Chresanto Lorenzo Romelo August, were having relations" I admitted causing the crowd to gasp.

"You all were gay ?" Eliza asked, shockingly

I nodded "Yes we were. And I can honestly admit right here on live television that I, Jacob Perez, loved Roc."

Everyone "Awww'd" and clapped before Eliza spoke again "So why did Zonnique Pullins attack ? And where does this leave you ?"

"She attacked because she loved Roc but Roc loved me. And this unfortunately is the last time you will hear from me" I said.

"May I ask why ?"

"My bandmates were my career, without them I have nothing left. Soo I'm leaving the public eye, giving myself time to heal"

Everyone cheered and I gave them a smile. I thanked them for having me and made my way backstage to Walter "Take me home now Walt"

He nodded and followed me back to the car. We drove in silence and I didn't say one word as I hopped out the car and made my way into what used to be a home. Now it was just the lonely, empty place where I escaped from the world.

I went into the bathroom and dug through the cabinets looking for one particular item. Finally I saw the bottle and I smiled.

No more would I have to put up with this suffering on Earth.

I could finally be with Roc ...


I watched as my Prince threw everything around his room in frustration. I wished over anything in the world to be able to pull him into my arms and tell him to calm down, but I couldn't.

No. I had to watch as tears continously rolled down my face, the love of my life go crazy day by day.

I felt his pain. I felt when I was on his mind. I saw how deflated his afro looked lately. I noticed how broken he looked as he did his interview. I noticed everything.

I shook my head and turned away from the scene playing infront of me. I screamed into infinity "Why Me God ?!!!!"

"You should know better than to question God silly" angel girl said, appearing from nowhere.

I shook my head and quietly asked God to forgive me. I turned my attention back to the little girl "When can I leave ?" I asked, annoyed.

"You know when" she grumbled.

"There isn't another way ?"

She shook her head furiously "Heaven is the place where your soul can finally be at peace. Your soul won't be at peace until you move on from Prince. You're hurting still, you're obviously not ready Chresanto" she replied before disappearing again.

"Uuuugggghhhhh !" I screamed for the upteenth time.

"I'm about to be with you Roc" I heard Prince's voice.

I turned to the scene and saw him fumbling with a bottle of tylenol "Noo Prince don't do this" I mumbled as more tears fell.

Finally he got the top off and grabbed the bottle of water he had sitting close. He threw the whole bottle of pills back and chugged down the water. I watched as tears streamed down his face and he furiously pulled my sweater over his body. He laid back on the bed and pressed play, instantly a video of us started playing "I love you Prince" the video me said.

I heard Prince quietly sniff "I love you too Roc" he mumbled.

I hunched forward just as he did. There was immense pain rushing through my body and I dropped to the floor. I watched as Prince's body jerked and jerked, reacting to the pills. Soon my vision blurred but before I blacked out I saw Prince body stop moving completely.

(A / N : Hope yall liked ! And I have an important question : Would yall read my other stories ? Cause I have a REALLY good idea after this is finished :)) Comment, Vote, and shareee ! ]

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