Chapter Seven.

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(A/N : New Chapter you guise ^.^ Make sure you read the author's note at the end and thanks for reading !) 

Jacob POV

I woke up tangled with Jamie, so I gently laid her down and sat up in the bed thinking about last night. I regret it so much and I feel so guilty about it considering I'm I guess you can say taking advantage of Jamie. And to make matters worse she actually falling for it.

"What you thinking about ?" her soft voice called,

I smiled. Her morning voice was like music to my ears "Last night ... " I replied trailing off

I felt her shift in the bed and then I felt her lips on my ear "I'm on the pill Jay, don't worry okay ?" she said trying to convince me but failing miserably

I wanted to use protection but she didn't , she claimed she was on the pill but that's not always the most reliable source right ? "Alright James but I should get going " I said quietly getting up and sliding on my clothes.

"Oh ..." she said quietly

I walked to her and gave her a passionate kiss then whispered in her ear "I'll be back later babe , text me ?" and with that I left.


A door slammed close and I shot up from the bed, groaning. I looked to my left expecting to see Prince there except I came face to face with Ray. I hopped up quickly and ran out the room, and there I spotted Prince typing angrily on his phone "Yo afro puff. How was your night with your little tramp ?" I asked smirking

"I could be asking you the same, and if you must know it was amazing" he said teasingly making my blood boil. I had had my suspicions but he had just confirmed what I thought he had did last night.

"Yeah whatever ..." I said looking in the refrigerator. I finally settled on a muffin, so I grabbed it and stuffed it in my mouth. I turned my attention towards Prince only to catch him staring at me "What ?"

"Nothing you're just ... so unbelievable" he shook his head and laughed.

"Oh yeah cause this is all my fault right ?" I shot at him

He, unlike I wanted him to be, was unphased "No just the fact that you won't sleep with me because you're not 'gay' but you'll sleep with Ray the minute we have an arguement " he snapped

"First off I didn't do nothing with him okay ? Let's get that straight" I said walking towards him "And second, you're such a hypocrite. You're no better than me considering you slept with that bitch " I spat at him

His jaw clenched and he pushed me back "Don't call my girl a bitch Roc" he warned

I smirked "Oh so Mr.GoodyGoody got some pussy from his bitch and he thinks he tough now huh ?" I asked chuckling.

"Roc you got one more time to call my girl a bitch bro"

"She's a bitch what you gonna do a-"

I was cut off by his fist connecting with the side of my face. My first instinct was to hit back so I did and before long we were fighting an throwing eachother around the living room "Get the fuck off me bro " I screamed as he repeatedly hit me in the face and chest. I took the opportunity to flip him over so I was ontop "Calm the fuck down okay ?"

His face was still red and his breathing was heavy. With the position we were in, my straddling him while his arms were pinned over his head, I couldn't tell if he was still mad or just turned on. I didn't even care at this point so I smashed my lips onto his, and slowly let his hands go. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me harder, so I licked his bottom lip asking for an entrance. He opened his mouth slightly and I shoved my tongue in, we played tongue war for a while before he finally pulled back. Both of us breathing hard.

I got off of him and pulled him up off the floor with me.

He looked at me for a moment and sighed "Why do we do this Roc ?"

"Do what ?" I asked grumpily

"Fight then kiss , I'm so confused about us" he admitted

"Then ... just " I simply pressed my lips onto his and pushed him down on the floor and climbed ontop of him.

Prince POV

We had a tongue war before I hestitantly moved my hands down towards his zipper. I brushed my hand over the buldge in his pants , causing him to give a low groan. That encouraged me to do a little more so I squeezed him gently and he jumped up off of me "What's wrong ?" I asked

"I can't do this shit" he mumbled , avoiding my confused gaze.

I ran my fingers through my hair , and sighed "What do you mean ?"

"I mean I can't do this anymore Prince , this just isnt me " he said taking a deep breath

"Do what , huh Roc ? " I screamed "Love me the way I love you ?"

"Exactly Prince , ex- fucking - actly . Im not gay , I like girls . Im sorry " he said standing up and heading towards the door .

"No Roc , Im sorry " he turned back around and stared at me "For being a fool and falling in love with you ...."

"Prince I j-"

"No Roc fuck it okay ! I'm done." I said harshly as I stormed out the house in a direction I'd been seeming to be heading a lot these days.

Jamie's house.

(A/N : AND THERE IT IS ! Short and crappy , I know. BUT I have a real good surprise coming up can yall guess ? Leave your guesses in the comments :))

But nearly 200 fans, 20k+ reads, 300 something votes, and almost 200 total comments ! Thank you guise so much. I never expected people would've actually liked my story so just thanks !) 

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