Chapter Two.

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"We need to talk ..."

Prince POV

I walked over to the bed and sat down . I didn't put a lot of distance between us so he wouldn't think I didn't want to be around him , but I also left a comfortable distance between us "What's up ?"

'What have I done ?"

"What do you mean ?" I said looking at him

"Lately you've been giving me the cold shoulder , and stuff and I wanna know why " he said looking at the ground .

"I j- um- I- "

I felt his hand on my knee , and I looked up to meet his gaze "What ?"

"N- Nothing Roc , just been having a lot on my mind lately "

"I know how you feel bro , I been catching feelings for this b- girl and I never thought I'd feel this way " he said putting his head in his hands

I pulled him into a hug despite what I was feeling because he looked like he really needed it "I'm always here bro"

 He wrapped his arms around my waist , well I guess we know whose going to be the MAN in this relationship .

"PRINCE .. ROC .. PIZZA HERE !" Prod yelled up the stairs , we quickly pulled apart and my face went scarlet so I ran out the room before he had a chance to ask anymore questions .

"Where's Roc ?" Ray asked stuffing his face with pizza 

I gave an irritated sigh "Upstairs " 

Prod sent me a 'I know whats up with you look' , but I just shrugged it off and grabbed a slice of pizza . I pulled out my phone and went to my Misfits play list , trying to take my mind off Roc .

Roc POV 

I threw my head in my hands , what's wrong with me ? Prince isn't gonna want to be anywhere near me after what I just did , instead of giving him a 'man hug' I wrapped my arms around his waist . He ran out the room before I even had the chance to apologize , I threw myself back on the bed and sighed .

"Why is this so complicated ?" I mumbled to myself 

"Why is what so complicated ?" a voice called from the doorway

I opened my eyes to see Prod leaning on the wall waiting for an answer "Nothing man , just forget it "

"Look I do-"

"JUST forget it Prod okay ?" I said shoving past him , I know I shouldn't be taking it out on him it's just that I don't need anyone finding out about this little crush or whatever it is .

When I got downstairs I immediately went to the pizza box , my eyes flickered to Prince who was glued to his phone obviously trying his best to ignore me .

"Aye Roc I gotta show you something " Ray said walking over to me , showing me a hilarious picture on his phone . 

I let out a loud laugh and Prince focused his attention on us "Is it that funny ?"

"Yes it is " Ray said triumphly to which I laughed again 

"Whatever " he said getting up and going towards the door 

"Where you going " I called out 

He didn't even turn around he gave a simply "Out" before slamming the door behind him , I'm pretty people in London could've heard that door slam shut .

"What's his problem ?" Ray asked shaking his head 

"I don't know " I said taking a seat on the couch , my mind going in a frenzy but the main thing I was focused on was just hoping Prince doesn't do anything stupid ...

A/N : So here's Chapter 2 , hope you like it cause I don't :/ It was basically a filler because it was requested . I didn't think people would really like the story but you do and I'm rambling but Chapter 3 should be up soon . Love you guys and thanks for reading :)

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