Chapter Nine.

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(A/N : Dedicated to Mindlessstories because her stories give me LIFE and have even inspired a few of my ideas :)) Go read for me please ?

Oh and please don't kill me , you'll understand after you read ;) 

ONE last thing. If I made another story would you guys read it ? Cause I have a real good idea so COMMENT !!)

Jacob POV

"Morning" I croaked out as I entered the kitchen.

All I got was a grunt in response.

I nodded at Prod before grabbing the box of froot loops and making me a bowl of cereal.

"Man wassup with you and Roc" Prod questioned as he chewed on his cereal.

I raised my eyebrows "Nothing ... anymore"

"Look Prince I knew" he said.

I nodded in agreement "I know"

"So do you REALLY like boys ?"

I nodded as a smile formed on my face "Yeah Prod"

He nodded "Should I be worried" he chuckled.

"Nahh Prod you're good" I said, chuckling right along with him.

He patted my back "I see you no different bro" he said, quietly.

I smiled but it quickly fell "If only everyone in the world was like you Prod" I said, quietly.

The world could be harsh, especially TM. I mean only God knows how they would react if they found out. They'd probably abandon me ... well us. MB as a whole. And that's my worst fear. Everybody turning against my bros just because of my sexual peference. I couldn't live with that weight on my shoulders, knowing I ruined people's dreams just because I couldn't control my dumbass feelings. I just couldn't do that to them ...


"You sure you gonna be okay ?" Ray questioned as they got ready to head out the door.

I chuckled "I'm not four bro imma big boy I'll be able to handle myself"

They all dapped me uo before leaving out the door. 

I had decided to stay home and watch movies nothing special.

About thirty minutes into Tom&Jerry the doorbell rang. I didn't call for no company so who in the hell could it be.

I got up slowly and made my way to the door. When I peeped out the peep hole I saw it was Zonnique. "The hell does she want ..." I mumbled to myself as I opened the door.

As soon as she saw me her face lit up "Oh hey Prince" she said, barging past me.

"Uh hey"

"Ray's not here ?"

I shook my head "No ... him and the boys went out tonight"

She mumbled something I didn't catch causing me to go "huh ?"

She chuckled "I just said that's great because now we can hang out and -" she cut herself off and stepped closer to me, running her hand down my chest "get to know eachother better"

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