Chapter Twelve.

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Chapter Twelve.

Last chapter before the epilouge guise :,( I'm gonna miss this story, you guys were great !

Also again this chapter deals with how you see things religiously but this is how I assume it would be like ... if it was like this in the afterlife lol


I groaned as I felt someone running their fingers through my soft curls. It was then that I noticed to faint voices talking back and forth. I rubbed my eyes so they could adjust to the white light all around me. When they finally did I saw that familiar afro infront of me.

"Hey Roc" he spoke softly.

I popped up and just stared at him "Why ?" I asked him in a serious voice.

"Why what ?"

"Why did you kill yourself Jacob ?"

Angel girl's smile faltered and she quietly dismissed herself saying "I'll leave you two alone ..."

Jacob gave her a soft smile before she disappeared and then turned back to me "I wanted to be with you Roc ... aren't you happy to see me ?"

I shook my head "I asked only one thing of you Prince and that was to go LIVE !" I screamed as I pushed him backwards.

"I couldn't fucking live without you Roc ! I love you and I KNOW you love me too. I know all you've did is cry and watch my every move since left. I know you wanted me here" he screamed moving closer to me "So why the hell do you keep pushing me away ?!" He screamed shoving me back.

"Because I don't wanna feel for you Prince ! I don't want to love you man, I don't want to care as much as I do" I replied grabbing him by his collar "WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST STAY !"

He swung and hit me in the jaw "Is it so bad that I wanted to be with the love of my life ? With my brothers ? Stop acting like you aren't happy that I'm here. I just want to love you Roc, why can't you just accept the fact that you love me too ?" he stressed.

I rubbed my jaw before stepping back and swinging at him. I socked him dead in the face, which caused a full on fight. We were swinging at eachother and crying all together. Taking out all our past aggressions with eachother and all the anger we had built up over these past fews months. Finally, we wrestled eachother to the ground and we both laid there trying to catch our breath.

"Why are we fighting ?" Prince questioned as he intertwined our fingers.

I shrugged "Cause we're idiots" I answered causing us both to laugh. I turned to face him and careesed his cheek "I love you Prince"

He smiled and pecked my lips "I love you too Roc"

I bought him close to me and closed my eyes, letting myself drift off into a peaceful sleep for the first time since I got here.


"Wake up you guys. You're ready to go now" angel girl's angelic voice said.

I groaned and got up as did Prince "We're ready ?"

She nodded exictedly "Yeah to move on"

"Really ? Wow" Prince said stunned.

She smiled and nodded towards some stairs leading up into the white clouds "Follow me guys"

Me and Prince glanced at eachother and I pecked his lips. He smiled at me and we ascended up the stairs behind angel girl.

"You did good Rose" a deep voice called as we reached the top.

"Thank you Jesus" angel girl replied.

Oh so her name is Rose !

She motioned for us to step forward and we did. Prince's grip on my hand tightened as the deep voice boomed again "Jacob Anthony Perez and Chresanto Lorenzo Romelo August, are you aware that being gay is a sin ?"

Jacob squeezed his eyes shut tight so I replied for us "Yes God we do."

"And you STILL stand before me ! Asking for me to let you into my golden gates !" he boomed.

I flinched "Yes sir"

Prince let go of my hand and stepped forward "It is not a sin to be in love God ... and I love Chresanto with everything in me. So yes I, Jacob Anthony Perez, is gay. Jesus please take me as I am ..." he said, bowing down.

I hesitated for a minute but then I stepped forward to "I agree with Jacob. I was told God made you a certain way for a reason. So yes I, Chresanto Lorenzo Romelo August, is gay. I'm hope that you will take me as I am ..."

There was silence for a minute before a feeling of tranquility took me over. I looked over at Jacob and he was looking just like me ... confused.

"You've proved yourself worthy and I'm allowing you to come into my heaven gates. Welcome" Jesus' deep voice boomed as the golden gates opened wide.

I smiled and tackled Jacob down, planting big, wet, sloppy kisses all over his face.

He laughed and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled as our lips moved in perfect sync and pulled away "Have you ever noticed our lips move in perfect sync like we're -"

"Made for eachother ? Yeah always" he said wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me towards his lips once more.

I slowly moved away and looked deep into his eyes "I love you Jake"

He smiled "I love you too Chres"

"Now come on so we can find Prod and Ray" I said, getting from ontop of him.

He smiled and hopped up too and together we walked off into the clouds. Two males in love and by the grace of God, to live forever by eachothers side.

(A / N : And that is the end of Take Me As I Am ! One chapter left which happens to be the epilouge then it's completed guise :') Its been nice lol !

Quick question ! Would you guys read my other stories ? Cause I have a really good story idea and ... yeah !

And do you guise want me to post the original ending to the story on one big, stupid long chapter ? Or ...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2013 ⏰

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