Chapter TEN

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A/N : I told yall it wasn't over ! But it will be soon :( Sorry guys writing this story is becoming more of a chore than a hobby so I'm trying to end it as good as I can :)

ALSO this chapter kinda reflects off your religious beliefs and whatnot so ... yeah thanks for reading and this is not edited so bare with me with mistakes !


Chapter Ten.


I woke up to a blinding white light. I groaned and rubbed my eyes, waiting for my eyes to fully adjust to the brightness of the ... room.

"Oh you're awake" a angelic voice called

I looked around but wherever I was there was no walls or floor for that matter "Where am I ? And who said that ?"

"I'm over here silly" she giggled.

I turned around to see a young girl walking towards me "You didn't answer my questions. Where am I and who are you ?" I questioned.

"This is the inbetween. This is where you come after death until you fully move on" she said.

Every word hit me like a ton of bricks. I was ... DEAD ?! Zonnique killed me ...

My head shot up "So where's the boys ?"

She smiled "Prod and Ray have moved on already. Prince ... is still fighting for his life on Earth"

"So why haven't I moved on ?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"Because the person who has your heart still hasn't let you go, in fact he should be here any minute now" she replied.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion. Okay this chick is delusional.

"CLEAR !" A voice yelled.

My head snapped in the direction of the voice and saw a scene. Almost like off a movie. It was kinda faded away but the picture could easily be made out. The first thing I noticed was all the doctors, they were working hard on somebody.

"Clear !" the doctor screamed once again as they sent about 300 watts into the person's body.

My eyes widened in shock when I saw that familiar afro bouncing as his body did.

"Is he gonna make it ?" I asked quietly.

"That's all up to him now" she told me.

"So how do I get out of here ?" I questioned.

She groaned "You ask too many questions Chresanto"

"How do you know my name ?"

"I would've been VERY close to you if things had gone differently," she stopped as if debating whether or not to continue on with her statement but in the end she decided to go ahead anyways "I'm Jacob's and Jamie's unborn daughter. S- she had an abortion when she found out he didn't want kids"

I closed my eyes before setting a hand on her shoulder "I'm so sorry niece"

She shrugged and put a small smile on her face "Oh here he comes now" she cheered.

I turned the way she was looking and a smile immediately formed on my face, prince.

I ran to him and attacked him "Prince man I missed you bro"

"Roc I love you okay" he said once I released him from my grip.

"I love you too"

"What the hell is this ?" he questioned.

"The inbetween ... like you get to choose if you wanna die or keep living on Earth" I told him

He was silent for awhile, letting everything sink in. He intertwined our fingers "It's nothing to think about, I'm staying with you"

The smile that was once on my face fell. I shook my head and took two steps back "No Prince. Go back"

He shot me a confused look "What ? But Roc we love eachother and -"

I cut him off by smashing my lips onto his. Our lips moved in sync as if our lives depended on it, but I slowly pulled away "Right I love you. How can I move on knowing you sacrificed your time on Earth for me ?"

"But I don't wanna live without you guys Roc. MB was my everything, what do I do know ?" He questioned as tears streamed down his face.

"Live. Live for me baby -"

"Sorry to interupt, but his time is running short. It's now or never" the little girl called from behind us.

"I won't be able to live nor love again without you Chresanto, I wanna stay" he pleaded.

I pulled him close and ran my fingers through his hair "You're gonna have to let me go. God is giving you another chance ... just don't forget me, okay ?"

He laughed a little "Not being able to forget you was my problem" he sniffed and looked in my eyes "It won't be easy and I'm making no promises"

I kissed his lips once more before letting him go. He waved bye to us and descended down the fading white stairs to the hospital room.

I felt the tears falling from my eyes but I didn't care. I just let the love of my life walk away from me, even though my heart- no stratch that, EVERY muscle in my body was aching for him to come hold me. To come back and tell me everything's alright, but I knew that that wouldn't happen.

I laid down and curled into a ball letting all my emotions flow out and cried like a little bitch.

"You did well Chres ... now you just have to take your own advice" she said before disappearing.

Well I'm gone be here forever cause letting Prince go is worse than dying ...

(A / N : Short, suckish, but it's an update to let yall know Royce lives on ! This will be ending in hopefully about three more chapter guisee ! Thanks for being amazing readers ! :)) ]

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