Chapter Eight.

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Prince POV

2 weeks.

That's how long its been since I talked to Roc. Or any of the boys for that matter.

Prod suggested we go out and have a "guys day" today but I politely refused. Having a guy day meant having to be around Roc for a WHOLE day ... so I'll pass.

Jamie snuggled closer to me on the couch and sighed. I ignored it the first time until she did it again only louder.

I turned my attention to her and smirked "Okay James, what's wrong ?" I asked.

"How would you feel about a child ?" she asked nervously as she played with her tiny fingers.

My eyes grew wide as I actually took in what she had just said "Jamie are you pregnant ?"

"What ?! No ... I just wanted your opinion ..." she replied.

I let out a sigh of relief "Well I don't really want kids right now because of my career. Yeah we're on hiatus now but this won't last forever." I told her honestly. I didn't have time for kids.

I mean between this Roc thing and MB and our crazy ass fanbase ... a baby wouldn't fit.

"Oh." she said, before bitting her lip and looking back at the tv.

"Okay seriously what's up ?" I asked.

"Okay, I had a pregnancy scare. But it got me to thinking that a baby wouldn't be so bad ... just forget it though okay." she said, staring blanky at the tv.

"Baby ... I'm sorry I wo-"

"Jake I didn't want you to want a baby because I did. I wanted your honest opinion" she said looking into my eyes

"You're right I'm sorry." I apologized as I kissed her nose.

"You know what else ?"

"What ?"

"You should go on that guys day with the boys ..." she said, trailing off

I shook my head "No. No. No James"

She huffed and got good grip and my afro causing me to yelp out in pain "Now who's going out with the boys ALL day today ?" she questioned innocently.

"Me " I growled in order to keep from screaming.

She released my hair and clapped "Yay ! I'll go call the boys and tell them" and with that she left me on the couch moaning in pain.

"I'm sorry curls ... she won't hurt you anymore " I whimpered to myself trying to get the pain to die down.

After five mintutes she arrived back downstairs and shook her head at me "Get up you big baby. Prod was so happy you changed your mind and they'll be here in 10" she said smiling at me.

"Great. Just great" I replied sarcastically.

During this whole two weeks, I never would've thought here I'd be actually having fun with ALL the boys.

Currently we were sitting in the food court smashing some pizza.

"Yo where we going after this" Roc asked through a mouth full of pizza.

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