Chapter Four.

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I shut my eyes and felt sleep began to take me over , but before I come completely feel asleep I heard Prince say "I love you Roc ..."


Chapter Four

Prince POV

I woke up freezing I looked to my side and saw Roc wasn't there , no wonder I was cold . I heard the bathroom door open and out stepped a half naked Roc . He was toned , like really people he didn't do his body wrong at all. I hadn't even realized that I was staring until his voice called "Like what you see Afropuff " while smirking and running gel through his curls

I jumped up out the bed , with my face turning red . He let out a chuckle as I pushed past him into the bathroom .

This boy will be the death of me I swear ...


I checked myself out in the mirror , I was looking good today as always

Cocky ? Nah I just know I'm good looking

"Aye Roc " I heard a voice call from the doorway , and of course it was Prod . It's always Prod , I mean I love him he's my bro and all but this whole Dr.Phil act gets old sometimes .

"Wassup " I asked never taking my eyes off the mirror in front of me . My curls gotta be perfect , cause you know ladies love the curls

"I know you like Prince"

I nearly choked on my gum , where the hell did that come from ? "Of course that's my bro " I said a little too quickly .

"You know what I meant " he rolled his eyes and leaned on the door "Look I ain't here to intrude on yall business or anything - " he paused and turned towards the hallway , before continueing "- Just know I know " and with that he walked away .

PSHHHH who this nigga think he is ? Dr.Phil mixed with Drake ? That's why I'm about to go find a girl to chill with , who needs Prince ? I ain't even gay !

I think .


Someone cleared their throat , and I pulled away from my girl seeing a very awkward looking Ray .

"May I help you with something ?" I asked

"Uhh we're going to the movies , do you and -" he glanced towards Ashley "- her want to go or ..." he trailed off stratching the back of his neck .

"Sure !" Ashely said "Sounds fun "

"Well it's decided then " he said turning to walk out "We're going to the movies !"he screamed taking off up the stairs .

Prince POV

Have you ever sat next to Roc while he's making out with a girl ? Well , it's annoying and heartbreaking . The way she giggles when he sucks her bottom lip , or those light moans she lets out when he squeezes her ass . That should be me , why do -

"Prince are you alright ?" Ray said putting a hand on my shoulder .

It was then I realized that I had my fists clenched tight , and I could feel the heat in my face as well as my blood boiling . I nodded "Yeah .. yeah I'm okay "

He looked at me an extra second before shrugging it off and continuing his conversation with Prod . I shoved my headphones in my ears , and turned on "Die Die My Darling" . This was about to be a long night .

"Yo Afropuff !" a feminine voice screamed

I turned around to see ... Potholes . SN to self : Get her real name

She ran into my arms as I swung her around . "Hey there Superstar " she said in between laughs .

"How you been ?"

"Great , great ..." she trailed off

A silence fell upon us , then eight pair of eyes . I quickly turned to the boys "Oh yeah guys -" I motioned to the boys "this is .."

"Jamie " she shot them a huge smile , to which they returned . Well all except Roc , who rolled his eyes no one else caught it but I did .

"Yeah and Jamie these are the guys "

"It's nice to meet you all " she said holding her hand out towards them .

"Ditto " Prod said kissing it

"Same here " Ray said shaking her hand whilst smiling

"Yeah whatever " Roc said pulling the girl away in some direction

Jamie raised an eyebrow at me "What crawled up his ass and died ?" Me and the boys burst out laughing . She looked at us like we were crazy before mumbling "Boys" and walking off causing us to to laugh even more


"Well thanks for inviting me Superstar" she said as we walked hand-in-hand together out the movie theatre

"Of course , Jamie . I had a great time with you "

"I did to -" she paused before giving a slight laugh "-y'know besides the fact that we basically had to listen and see Roc have dry sex , but yeah it was different " she said laughing

I made a disgusted face at the thought , cause her to laugh even harder "You have the funniest disgusted face ever !" she screamed/laughed

"Aye Prince c'mon !" Roc screamed from the car . I threw up my hand and turned my attention back to her "So yeah ..." I smiled and looked at my feet .

She put a finger under my chin and lifted my head up to look at her . Next thing you know her lips were on mines . She pulled away and gave a soft laugh "Text me Afropuff "

"Of course " I mumbled

When I got in Prod and Ray were giving me creep smiles , and Roc was giving me a death glare.

"What ?"

"GET SOME !" Ray and Prod screamed in unison.

I just laughed and closed my eyes , drowning out the conversation around me and happy for the first time in weeks that someone else was on my mind besides Roc.


I felt a hard shove to my side and my eyes snapped open to see an angry Roc "What was that for ?" I asked

"What was that little stunt you pulled tonight ?" he said through clenched teeth.

It was now that I realized that I was in the bed "What ?"

"I tho- I thought you loved me" he tailed off.

My throat tightened at his words "I do Roc b-"

"No ! I mean love me ! I know you do because you said so don't lie " he yelled.

"I- I- I don't know what to say" I said looking into his eyes.

"Then don't say anything" he said smashing his lips on mine

What the hell !

(A/N : So my computer has a virus and it's in the shop so I had to do this chapter from my cell phone so excuse all the mistakes.

I think this chapter was suckish but yeah I hope yall like it ! Jacob Perez two kisses in ONE night SMH , you sessy blaxican misfit ;))

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