I n t r o ...

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I cant like him , I'm sure its just a phase . I have got to get it together I CANNOT fall for my band mate , he's basically my brother ! And what would the fans think about this , I mean they've had their doubts but me coming out w- WAIT I'm NOT gay ! I like GIRLS you stupid confused emotions , R-

"Prince " Ray screamed breaking me out of my thoughts 

"What ?"

"I've been calling you for some years now , what's up ?" he said sitting next to me 

"N- nothing Ray just got a lot on my mind right now " I said as Roc walked into the room shirtless . My eyes roomed his body involuntarily as he checked himself out in the mirror .

He turned his attention to me and Ray then pointed to me "Prince Keisha wants you , something about your mic" he said before pulling out his laptop .

Probably to OOVOO with some random girls before the show . I wasn't jealous or anything if that's what your thinking ...

I finally found Keisha , she was fixing Prod's mic on him "Yo whats up Keisha ?"

"Princeton there you are  " she said walking over to me "Here go tell Roc to put this on for you " 

"B- wh- h- , you know what never mind " I said running off in the direction I came . Roc was sitting next to Ray and they were laughing at something "Aye Roc , Keisha said put this on for me " I said holding up the microphone .

He smiled and nodded walking over to me . He placed his hands on my hips and my mind couldn't help but roam . Even his touch made me catch goosebumps , he patted my shoulder and smiled that breathtaking s- PRINCE SNAP OUT OF IT "There you go bro , you all set " 

I mumbled a "Thanks ..." dapping him up in the process .

He walked back over to Ray and sat down . 


I envied Ray , he always had Roc's attention . They were always sort of together , and laughing . I know it's all brotherly and what not but I cant help but feel a pang of jealousy .

"Guys you're on in 3 minutes " Walter called from the hallway .

Ray closed the laptop and they hopped up , running past me . 

Roc looked back "Bro you wanna , I don't know come on ?" 

"Oh , uh yeah " I said as we took off down the hallway .

Time to go please the fans , that what distraught me the most . Even if some miracle did happen Roc and I still couldn't be together . I doubt the fans would approve , I couldn't hurt the band like that I just couldn't ... 

"On 3 , 2 , 1"

I put the microphone up to my mouth and ran on stage "AYE LADIES !" Causing them to erupt in screams .

Time to do what I do best ... put on a show 

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