Chapter Six

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(A/N : So here's Chapter Six :)) Sorry I kept you guys waiting, I had writers block and I didn't wanna just throw something together just so you'd have something to read so yeah :)) Hope you guys enjoy <3 Chapter dedicted to Tiedye22 because he boyxboy is amazing ! )

Jacob POV

"I see you my nigga , getting yo mack on" Ray said playfully hitting my arm

I laughed and glanced around the room, only to meet Roc's glare. I rolled my eyes and went back to my phone, he's such a fucking hypocrite

"Who you texting" Prod asked looking over my shoulder

I snatched my phone away and gave a slight smirk "My girlfriend if yall must know " I answered

"Girlfriend ?"

"Yes Roc , as in my baby ..." I said slowly rolling my eyes

"Who that girl at the movies ?" Ray asked stuffing a taco in his mouth , df he pulling tacos out mid air and ishh lmaoo (A/N : Idk that was random lol)

"One where the hell you get that taco from and two yeah " I said once again smirking in Roc's direction

He glared at me and pulled out his phone breaking eye contact his fingers went to work and his phone. He pressed one last button and then returned the smirk I gave him

My phone vibrated in my hand twice , and who else did it read but 'Roc'

You don't love her Prince 

She don't kiss the way I kiss 

My face reddened , and I quickly locked my phone ignoring the multiple times it vibrated. Ray nudged me "What's up she made you mad ?"

"No, that's just some fan that got my number. She's been blowing me up for a while now" I replied slickly, shrugging. "I think imma go to sleep early tonight yall" I said getting up, heading towards the stairs. I heard multiple answers as I ascended up the stairs towards the room me and Roc shared.

I feel bad, I feel like I'm using Jamie as a cover up to hide my feelings for Roc, I thought to myself as I changed into some basketball shorts. I mean I like her ... a lot. But I LOVE Roc, and I have for a while now. But I need love and affection (A/N : See what I did there xD O. No Okay BYE !!) and that's what Jamie is giving me.

My thoughts were cut short by the door opening and closing. In the dark I could see Roc shuffling around the room, looking for whatever he was ... He plopped down on the bed and just laid there for a minute.

I scoffed as I turned over in the bed.

"You need to stop making that noise, it sounded like a moan for a minute ..." he said trailing off shifting in the bed also

The statement itself made my face go hot , and I closed my mouth without another word. Roc kept shifting in the bed next to me making it EXTREMELY HARD to ignore him and go to sleep.

A little while later I felt his arms wrap around my waist , and he scooted closer to me snuggling against me. And as much as I wanted to push him off of me and tell him off... I couldn't.

If he thinks he's off the hook but he ain't ...

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