Mother Miranda

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Chapter 3

You were early to Alcina's castle, so you decided to explore the castle, who knows maybe you find something interesting.
As you were walking through the long hallways you overheard people arguing so you stood outside near the big white door.

"I'll get you the information you need," Alcina answered, almost conversationally if it weren't for that chilling gleam in her eyes. "But first release my daughter Mother Miranda." She added.

"I need insurance you'll cooperate long-term. I'm keeping her until you make good on your side of the deal." Mother Miranda replied coldly.

The corners of the vampire's mouth tipped up, but it was hardly a smile. There was something truly menacing in the result. "We can't negotiate with my daughter! Not anymore!." Alcina said as she raised her voice.

"You aren't in a position to." Mother Miranda replied. "You've wasted my time tonight, it's going to be an unpleasant night for your beloved daughter."

You were trying to deny it, but you knew it was her, it was Miranda. Her presence was unassailable, nearly suffocating and that feeling of dread was crawling up your spine again. You reluctantly opened your eyes, knowing that those eyes you fell so hard for would be looking back at yours. After all this fucking time...

—"i'm not ready, I can't do this"— you thought to yourself. You hurried up and found a place to hide, the minute you hided, Miranda nearly tearing the door off its hinges stomped out.

Then you made your way into the room where Alcina was.

"Um, hey Alcina" You said as you met her teary eyes.

"Oh, you're early darling, come" She said as turned around and wiped the tears forming in her tear ducts. She then regained her composure and guided you to a door with a wine bottle attached to it.

You spent all the afternoon with Alcina, you two became really close in a matter of what? Two days?. You didn't knew why but you connected with Lady Dimitrescu. After all it was a good thing because you were alone here, you would get Chris calls every night but it was that , just a call.

"Dear it's getting late , would you like to stay here tonight?" She said while holding her big lipstick in her right hand and a little mirror in the other one.

"Really? I don't want to bother you and your daughters" You said.

"It's ok I'll assign a maid to you she'll guide you to the guest room, my room is next door if you need something. Goodnight" She patted your head and then left the room.


Even before you opened my eyes you knew you were in danger.

You startled at the sound of heavy footsteps drawing closer. A dim flicker of sleep remained, dulling your focus. Thin stones loomed out of the black fog. For a strange suspended moment, an image of crooked teeth came to mind, and then I saw them for what they really were. Dungeons.
I tried to push myself up to sitting, but my hands slipped on the cold concrete floor. I couldn't bring myself to focus through the excruciating pain radiating inside my skull.

"A nightmare, I thought. I haven't really woken yet. This is all just a horrible dream." You taught.

You woke up and made your way to the kitchen, You didn't know were the kitchen was actually. You were wandering the castle corridors reasoning about that nightmare, "it does not make sense at all". Now on the floor, you hadn't realize how much did that hurt until you stood up and Miranda stopped a few inches away from you, closer than you expected.

"Y/n?" Miranda finally spoke. Her eyes glowing through the mask that covered all her face.

You stood frozen in front of her, not knowing what to say or do. Trying your best not to think about how beautiful Miranda looked after all this years...even with that mask on, Miranda's beautiness was out of this world. You forced yourself to keep your attention on somewhere else and not Miranda, who was now staring you directly to your eyes waiting for a response like she was trying to will you into looking at her.

She placed both hands on your shoulders. "Y/n can you please look at me". She said as her voice softened the remaining sharp from her argue before.

"Miranda, don't" You said as you pulled away. "What do you want?". The grief in your voice was obvious.

"Come, take a seat Y/n I just want to talk". Miranda said as she pointed the wine room with her claws.

Deep inside, you wanted to talk with her. You needed an explanation after all. You were now in the wine room sitting in front of her , a wooden table separating the both of you.

"We don't have to talk if you don't want to, Y/n." She broke the silence.

"Like you cared what I want" you said.

"I do. Shall I pour?" She said as she poured wine into a crimson cup.

You mocked, rolling your eyes at her. You wanted to say no but as soon as you opened your mouth she handed the cup to you. You made a gesture for her to set it down for you, but she insisted on handing it to you and the way Miranda was holding the glass left you no choice to place your hands over hers to take it from her.
You two needed to talk, everyone could notice. But were to start? You thought about leaving but for once you stayed.

"Go ahead, Miranda. What you do you want from me, I know you were bribing Alcina to get my whereabouts" you said.

"I just want to talk Y/n that's all. It would help you heal?"

"Oh great so you want ME to heal?!." you said raising your voice, she hasn't changed a bit.She is...just as you remember her. Cold hearted.

Miranda scoffed, actually rolling her eyes at you. "Can we talk in somewhere more private I don't want the entire village to know about my private life".

"No" you added.

She'd been planing this for days before finally making herself known to you after going back and forth with herself during those agonizing days. Being far more irritable than she normally was. She always had a hard time expressing her emotions. People would say she doesn't have any but she does , deep deep inside of her there's a heart.

I mean how? How could she even explain that she married behind your back? It's not that she wanted to but she needed to do that in order to survive. Those were hard times for her. But then you left her all alone in a place she hated and with someone she didn't even cared about. From that day on, her heart became cold, out of touch with her deeper feelings.

On the other hand there was you, as always running away from your problems , so that's what you did back there. I mean no one blames you , she broke you heart what were you supposed to do? Stay and watch her be happy in someone else's arms? No way.

"Why not? We need a closure, make this clear. Don't you think?"

"And then what? We pretend that nothing happened?"

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" Miranda said as she refilled her cup and then yours.

She was watching you the entire time lost in her thoughts but also in your eyes, your voice. She picked up her wine glass and took a sip, her clear eyes taking you in while you were distracted enough to not notice her doing it so unconcealed. You were still the same Y/n she remembered, kind, beautiful, good to everyone around you, caring.
After you left she was planing revenge, she even thought about killing you the moment you set a foot in this Village, her Village. But how could her? The only person she ever loved besides her daughter Eva.

"Lost in your toughts? Mind sharing with the class?" You said while finally taking a sip of wine. It was the finest wine you'd ever tried.

She smirked "You don't want to know" she said letting out a sigh.


Once again sorry about my English I know I suck at this but I really enjoy writing it distracts me for a while. Thank you for reading this story <3 ily.

Love and grief. Mother Miranda x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now