Desperate for you

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WARNING: This chapter is just smut. If you're sensitive or just don't enjoy reading that please do not read this chapter, wait for the next one.

Chapter 10

Before heading to Miranda's house you went to your own to get the new coffee you bought for her. It was the finest strong black coffee, her favorite.

At Miranda's house you started to prepare two cups of coffee, following Alcina's advice, you added a dollop of "Sanguis Virginis". When you placed the two cups on the coffee table in front of the couch Miranda opened the door. You felt her eyes on you.

"Mmmh... nothing like coming home to your girl" she said leaving her robes on a small table next to the door.

"What? Your girl? Don't get too comfortable" You chuckled and Miranda rolled her eyes."Come your coffee is getting cold."

She did as she was told. The smell of her expensive perfume, was intoxicating. She moved closer to you grabbing the cup of coffee from your hand and leaving it on the table.

"Did you make an extra effort to be so damn sexy today?" she said, stroking your face with her hands, "Now I know why Alcina is trying to claim you to herself all the time".

"Wait, what? She's my friend." 

"Yeah.We are going to have a little chat about that later" .

You blush, squirming, an ache beginning between your legs. She has you trapped.
She moved her hand and started tracing your thigh up and down.
She lifted your oversized hoodie, you blushed knowing her intentions. You can't stop shaking now. It's nothing new with her but the last time was like 100 years ago?.

"Are you afraid of me dear?" she laughs and continues her way to your underwear, feeling the wetness already beginning there, she closes her  eyes for a moment, and you realize she's doing her best to control herself, but the hunger in her eyes is evident.

"Miranda" you whisper trying to remain calm but the only response is the tease increasing, and you can see the effect your pleading tone has on her, she bites her lip, moaning. Her wings retracted and the poor coffee cups smashed over the wooden floor.

"Miranda, please stop the tease." you gasp, parting your legs slightly as her fingers finally slip beneath your underwear. You reach out to touch her back, exactly where her wings were before. You trace the shape of one of the scars, making circles, and she grits her teeth, groaning. Those scars are very sensitive.Good to know. She has one of her hands still beneath your underwear.

"Miranda, I swear...-to-t" you moan, her fingers quiet, unmoving, against your clit. Miranda's head falls forward onto your shoulder.The moment you place your hands on her back, she lets out a choked moan.  "Shh, shut up", she says struggling to breath. You took a deep breath as her hands moved to your hips again. Her fingers now slipping as she finally rubs you again, finding the perfect spot, making your legs go weak. This is torture to you, but you like it. And Miranda is loosing it whenever you let out a moan or just a heavy breath.

You draw her closer and kiss her. You make her body become weak when your hand moves to her silky dark panties and suddenly, she pulls away from your mouth to let out an echoing cry. You are glad that her house is hidden between the mountains, otherwise the whole village will hear her. Her face still buried in your shoulder. She picks you up in her arms, taking you towards her room. She's stronger than you.

Looking down at you she opens the door with her leg. "I love when you beg so desperately for me, but I can't hold it anymore dear". She kisses you leaving your lower lip bleeding. You can't help raising your hips against her in a desperate search for her touch.
Miranda smirks against your mouth, knowing exactly what you're doing. "It seems like you're going to come the moment I touch you. Am I wrong?".


Miranda squeezes your throat, smiling as you desperately try to breath because of the lack of oxygen, she continues to remind you who is in control.  She pushes your legs apart roughly when you don't move fast enough for her liking. She moves forward your inner thigh. She spreads you open with her fingers, licking furiously making you cry in pleasure.

"Look who's desperate for me" she laughs before pushing two fingers inside you. She curls her fingers, while sucking your clit multiple times until you can't hold it anymore. "Don't , come yet". After that she removes her fingers and starts to leave hickeys all over your body. You make a  maneuver and you are on top now. "You don't understand how hard is it for me to control myself over you Y/n" she lets out a groan.

Miranda's Pov

The touch of her shy hands against my skin was all that I needed to let out a desperate cry. She trailed kisses down my breast and I couldn't help but to bit my lower lip letting out a moan. I was a wet mess already... I was afraid that, the moment she touched anything down there i was going to come.
Her teeth tasted my nipples but then she stopped, just to look at me.

"Look who's desperate now" she laughed.

"Y/n don't you dare!" I cried out.

She ran her tongue over my clit, and I screamed as loud as I could while leaving red marks on her back. I couldn't stop shaking as I came on her fingers. She licked her each one of them and then kissed me , making me taste myself.

Y/n pov

I laid on Miranda's chest, we were both drained out of energy to even move. Five minutes later my eyes started to become heavier and heavier. Miranda giggled and held me closer to her. I've never felt safer.

Love and grief. Mother Miranda x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now