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"the props put away?"


"Alright everyone good job today. tomorrow we'll do sound check I only want sound, lights, and sets crew tomorrow everyone else enjoy your weekend. I want everyone to be prepared for tech week that starts next Monday. If you are coming tomorrow I'll see you then, if you don't come in until Monday then I'll see you later. Good job everyone." Students slowly started to file down the side stairs to where the auditoriums chairs sat. Bianca heard small snippets of conversations as she grabbed her black backpack and slid her arms into the straps.

"Oh Bianca can you stay back for a second?"

Bianca turned her head back eyes searching until they landed on Ino the stage manager. Bianca turned and walked back up the stairs with her phone in hand and bag on her back. "Hey what's up Ino?"

Once Bianca met the blonde woman back on top of the stage, Ino led the other woman towards the right side of the stage where the props sat.

Inos pale fingers picked up a pair of black prop glasses. She held out the plastic in front of the other woman and Bianca couldn't help but study the blondes purple nails.

"I need these glasses painted like a blood red by Monday, can you do it?" Ino placed the glasses in a black case and handed it to the darker woman.

Bianca grabbed the case and held it in both hands before speaking. "Yea I can do it tonight and bring them in tomorrow since I'm coming anyways." Ino nodded and gave her thanks before excusing herself to help put away headsets into there proper places.

After leaving the theatre, Bianca went to the cafeteria to grab a quick bite and a few snacks before heading back to her dorm.

She unlocked the door and went inside and looked at the small living room to see it was empty. She walked straight to her room, closing the door to put down her bag and dropped down on her bed. She had 2 hours to nap before needing to get dressed to start her shift at the night cafe off campus.

She felt she only slept for a few minutes before her phone started buzzing on her nightstand. She huffed a deep sigh and picked up the vibrating cellular device.

"What do you want?"

"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine. No hello or anything? Wow B, just wow."

"I have work in..." Bianca moved the phone from her ear to blink at the screen for the time. "45 minutes. What do you want Karui?"

She heard a scoff on the other side of the phone before her roommate spoke. "I'm going to a party with Omoi, I won't be home tonight so don't wait up."

Bianca rolled her eyes and huffed. "Do you ever get sick of partying?"

"I don't need to answer what you already know." Bianca could practically hear the smirk in Karuis voice.

"Whatever. Be safe and tell your brother I said hi."

"Yea Yea I will. Talk to you late B."

"Okay bye."

Bianca ended the call and placed her phone back onto her stand before falling back into an easy sleep.

She woke to her alarm and got up to get showered. When she finished bathing she got dressed into the basic uniform. Black jeans, a black collared shirt, black tennis shoes. She took a ponytail holder and scrunched her curly dark brown locks into her hands before giving herself one basic space bun.

She grabbed her phone and keys before checking the time.


She locked her doors before rushing to her car and driving down the roads until pulling into a parking lot in front of a plaza. She walked into the cafe and the familiar sights of colorful fairy lights hanging from the ceiling around the room, neon signs on walls, green vines, black brick walls, Polaroids, and other decorations came into her sight. On the left of the room was a stage where bands and Karaoke were held. In front of the stage were round tables and by the walls held different black leather booths. Towards the back of the cafe held a small bar where stools sat for patrons to get their wanted drinks made.

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