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Another medieval au for y'all. This time it's wayyy more fantasy themed...

Idk if you guys have read much fantasy and stuff, but I'll be using something similar to Faeries.

Not fairies, FAERIES, very different. Faeries(or the Fae) are kinda like immortal beings. Live super long, but can still die if something really strong were to kill them. They are stronger, faster, heal quicker, etc... you get the point.

The Fae have pointed ears and are typically feared by humans/mortals. Faeries also have pointed teeth, but I won't be using that aspect. On a different topic, humans and mortals are different, but similar in a way. Humans are like a category under mortals.

Like, there are different breeds of dogs. German shepherds are different from Labradors, but they're both dogs. Humans are just another type of mortal.

Ex of types of mortals: shapeshifters, wizards, mermaids, sirens, humans, etc... most of those will be in the story (and others!)

Anyways, Dream is a Faerie. I won't say who else is what because I don't wanna spoil it. All of this book will be in Dream's pov (third person), unless I indicate otherwise, and THE TWS ARE IN THE DESCRIPTION

Happy reading! <3

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