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"What's with your mask?"

Dream looked to Sapnap, the source of the question and paused his knife sharpening. "For anonymity, remember? We talked about this already."

"No, I mean the smile," Sapnap said and gave Dream a weird look, "it's creepy and it weirds me out."

"That's the point."

George stumbled into their campsite, having just came back from gathering some firewood for the night. Dream resumed his sharpening, the 'shing' of metal against a specific stone was the only sound. Sapnap sat across from him on the other side of the fire, eating and thinking about something.

George sat down with a sigh and started eating his share of food. He swallowed and asked Dream, "How old are you?"

"Older than you," Dream replied dryly.

George snorted. "No duh... so you're like, skilled at fighting?"


George nodded and asked, "Can you teach me?"

Dream looked up from his blade. "What?"

"Teach me how to fight," George clarified, "so I can defend myself."

"Yeah," Sapnap chimed in, "he's completely useless."

George shot him a glare and looked to Dream. "Can you?"

Dream leaned back and thought for a moment. He asked, "Have you ever held a sword before?"

The prince shook his head and Sapnap laughed, whistling, "Oh boy, we better not let him walk into the forest alone anymore. Who knows what would happen to the poor, defenseless prince."

"Sapnap," George hissed, "fuck off, I'm trying to talk to Dream."

The pyrokinetic scoffed and went back to eating. George nodded in satisfaction and turned to Dream. He asked, "So what do you say?"

"I'll think about it."

George brightened, he was clearly expecting a different response. Dream sighed internally, maybe he should've said no.

The fire crackled in the silence and a soft wind brushed through Dream's hair, a feeling that he relished. Now that the two mortals had seen his hair and ears, what was the point in wearing his hood all the time? If anything, he was glad Technoblade had told him to go visit Nihachu.

Dream pulled out the dagger that he had gotten from the siren days earlier. He turned the blade over in his gloved hands. The metal wasn't silver like a typical blade, instead it was an iridescent black. The hilt was made of black leather and scarlet gems.

He frowned, knowing what it was immediately― a blood blade for the Blood God. Technoblade would use this personally to do his work. The thought made Dream look at Sapnap, who was getting comfortable and was soon asleep.

Dream returned the dagger to his belt and stared into the fire, slowly starting to wish he didn't have to bring Sapnap to Technoblade.


A week later, Dream still hadn't done anything to "train" George.

They were currently walking through an open plain. There was a cliff nearby and Dream sensed something off. The hairs on his neck rose and he looked around, scanning the plain in front of them.

George, sensing a shift in Dream's mood, asked, "We're not alone, are we?"

Dream dipped his chin in a short nod. Sapnap held his breath and looked around as well. A winged creature jumped off the cliff nearby and soared above them.

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