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Dream walked back to the campsite hours later, after he had thought everything out and the sun had nearly set.

George's eyes snapped to him and he stood up, starting to walk towards Dream. Dream evaded him, keeping his eyes downcast as he pushed his shoulder past George.

"Dream, wait."

A hand gently grasped his wrist, but Dream yanked his hand away, muttering, "I don't wanna talk about it."

Dream sat down, leaning against the tree and staring into the fire. George stood still for a long moment before sighing and sitting near Sapnap. Dream could feel two pairs of eyes on him and he hated the way he shifted uncomfortably in their presence.

He glared at Sapnap, still avoiding George's eyes and pulled the cloak of his hood over his head. A shadow was cast over his face, providing him with something to relax under. Sapnap and George talked for a little longer before Sapnap went to sleep.

"I never said thank you," George said quietly.

Dream didn't reply and George added, "So, thank you, for the bracelet."

When Dream didn't move or speak, George whispered, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you... I just― I thought you..."

Felt the same, Dream could hear the rest of the sentence even though it wasn't said. Dream inhaled slowly before responding, his voice cold, "Go to sleep."

"What about―"

"It meant nothing to me," Dream interrupted.

"Oh," George whispered, "but―"

"Nothing is happening between us and nothing ever will."

Dream looked to George, who had hugged his knees to his chest. His eyes were trying to find Dream's under the hood of his cloak. George stopped trying and looked to his wrist, his fingers tracing over the bracelet Dream had made.

"Dream..." When Dream said nothing George said, his voice quiet, "I'm sorry."

Again, Dream stayed in wordless silence, watching the fire and pushing away the feeling of guilt creeping in his stomach.

George stayed awake for a long while, fidgeting with his bracelet and looking to Dream. Eventually his eyes drooped close and he fell asleep under Dream's watchful presence.

Dream's eyes darted back to George, regretting it instantly. George just seemed to lure him in with his pretty features illuminated by the soft firelight. Maybe I was wrong... Dream thought before scolding himself, no, George means nothing to me.

So that was how Dream was going to treat him, like George meant absolutely nothing to him.

~one week later~

After a solid week of walking through a terribly long jungle, things were still tense between Dream and George.

The two had hardly spoken, although George often tried to talk to him. Dream would just ignore him and continue forward without another word. Sapnap offered conversation, awkwardly trying to help.

Dream was currently using his sword to slice through the thick bamboo forest they were travelling though. George and Sapnap followed behind quietly, the 'shuck' of the bamboo being the only sound.

After clearing the last of the bamboo, Dream was breathless. He sheathed his sword, not pausing as they continued through the jungle.

"We should stop for the night," Sapnap commented, observing the orange-ish sky.

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