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"I've waited a hundred years for you and I'd wait a million more for you."

Fundy smiled, a soft laugh dancing at his lips. He leaned his head against Clay's, murmuring, "A million?"

"A million," Clay assured him, grinning wide as he looked between Fundy's eyes.

His partner laughed and leaned back, reaching both hands forward to interlace their fingers. "Clay, you make this sound so dramatic. You don't have to wait for me. I'm not going anywhere."

Fundy's warm laugh and eyes full of fondness left Clay breathless. Clay squeezed gently and whispered, "I love you and only you, Fundy."

"Is it cheesy of me to say I love you more?"

Clay laughed and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Fundy's nose. He breathed, "No, not at all."


George cradled Dream as he told him about Technoblade. About how Techno had become almost like a father, like friends. Dream mumbled into George's chest, recalling how Techno taught him everything he knew.

It was hard, but George was patient. He supplied soothing words and reassurances and Dream knew that everything was okay.

He wouldn't have to worry about Techno for very much longer.

Soon enough, Sapnap and Callahan were awake and they all ate breakfast. Dream could sense Sapnap and Callahan's relief now that things were less tense between him and George.

The group left, taking up a quick pace to put more distance between them and those archers. Dream's shoulder ached, but he ignored it, focusing on the chatter between George and Sapnap.

Things were looking up. The four of them had it all planned out. Now they just needed to kill Technoblade. They needed to kill a god.

What could go wrong?

~one month later~

"We're here," Dream muttered, stopping the group atop the hill they had just climbed. In the distance was a large, black and red building that towered above the mountains around it. Dream's chest squeezed and he took a deep breath.

George's hand slid into his and rubbed a thumb over his knuckles. Dream sighed and said, "Let's set up camp here for the night. We'll go in tomorrow."

Everyone agreed and minutes later, they were all gathered under a bare tree. There was a light snowfall, dusting their coats and clinging to their eyelashes.

They all wore warm clothes; gloves, layers of shirts and pants, thick boots, and cloaks. The cold wasn't horrible, thanks to Sapnap's warm fire. Small conversations were had and dinner was eaten and soon enough Sapnap had fallen asleep first, like usual.

Callahan had taken a noticeable attitude change in the recent days of travel. He was less excited and his eyes seemed to unfocus, like memories were running through his mind. Dream tried to cheer him up, but the faun was too sad.

Callahan stared at the fire with dead eyes, casting an occasional glance at the large building in the distance. Dream could've sworn he saw a flicker of fear, but it never stayed long enough in Callahan's eyes for him to be sure.

"Don't worry, Callahan," Dream said, quietly observing the faun, "I won't let him hurt you again."

Callahan's eyes softened, giving Dream a grateful look. He seemed to relax after Dream's reassurance and fell asleep minutes later.

George shivered against him and Dream pulled him closer for warmth. George rested his chin on Dream's chest and looked up at him, his eyes warm and full of affection. Dream smiled softly, raising an eyebrow in a silent question.

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