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It was slow― waking up.

Dream's limbs felt heavy, but his eyelids felt even heavier.

He didn't remember when he took his first breath or when he opened his eyes, all he remembered was coming face to face with George.

George's eyes were filled with tears and Dream had to blink to keep his own at bay. His legs shook as he stood up, embracing George with no hesitation. They hugged each other with no words, crying as they were finally reunited again.

As Dream's head started to clear, he noticed something. Dream pulled out of George's hug and looked down to his hand, where the cut still was, still open and unhealed. Dream blinked in confusion and looked at George, who had an uncertain look in his eyes.

Dream inhaled, his chest heavy, and blinked, trying to get his eyes to focus. His eyebrows pinched together when he realized how little he could hear and see. All of his senses used to be on high alert, but now― now they seem to have dulled.

Dream used to be able to hear the snowfall on the roof and smell each and every potion on the shelf, but now, all he could hear was his ragged breathing and all he could smell was the muggy odor of the fireplace.

"What― what happened?" he asked.

George seemed to search for an explanation, but he didn't seem to find one. Minx spoke up from behind him, "There was a price, you knew that."

"Yeah..." Dream replied nervously, his eyes widening. He hesitated before lifting his hands to feel his ears. Where there used to be pointed tips, were now dull and rounded. He gasped softly.

"My― my... it's gone." Dream paused, blinking in surprise, "I'm human."

Minx nodded and all Dream could say was, "Oh."

He gave himself a moment to process this, his lips curling in a small smile. Minx was surprised as Dream's smile grew bigger and she left the room, muttering something. George was giving him a confused look.

"Dream...?" George asked nervously. "Why are you smiling like you just won a million gold?"

All Dream could do was laugh breathlessly. He gripped George's shoulders and said, "George― George, I'm human..."

"I know..." George said slowly, "Aren't you upset?"

"Upset?" Dream asked incredulously. His smile grew as he exclaimed, "George, I'm fucking human!"

A small smile grew on George's face as he waited for Dream to continue. Dream said breathlessly, "Do you know what this means?!" Dream's face softened and he cupped George's cheeks with his hands. He murmured, "George, we can be together for the rest of our lives... we can grow old together."

George's eyes shone with happiness and love as he leaned into Dream's touch. George whispered, "So, you're not upset?"

"No," Dream replied with a soft smile, "I'm fucking ecstatic... this... this is perfect."

George sighed in relief. "Thank god, I thought you'd be mad that you had to give up being Fae."

"I'd give up anything for you, George."

George smiled wide and he murmured shyly, "Really?"

"Really," Dream assured him. "And now we can get that house in the countryside you wanted... with a cat."

"I'd like that," George whispered.

Dream nodded and said hesitantly, "I was also thinking... would you like a daughter?" When George didn't reply within the first half second, Dream rushed, "I-I mean it doesn't have to be now. Sometime in the future, maybe? I don't want you to feel pressured or anything, I just―"

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